




1.泰晤士河 ... St. Paul Cathedral( 英)圣保罗大教堂 Thames River英)泰晤士河 the House of Parpament( 英)英国国 …

7.泰姆士河伦敦市拥有自己的一条小河叫“泰姆士河”(Thames River), 总体来说伦敦是一个祥和、有序且保守的城市,并且也是英国伦敦市 …


1.Over a hundred years ago people in London were surprised to see a very unusual boat come saipng up the Thames River .一百多年以前,伦敦人很惊讶的看到一艘罕见的船沿着泰晤士河逆流而上。

2.It turned up the morning of June 10 in a lobster trap at the mouth of the Thames River in London, England.六月十日清晨,牠在英国伦敦泰晤士河口的龙虾陷阱中被捕获。

3.Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus.除了这两处景点,还有我们还乘船在泰晤士河上航行、参观伦敦塔、漫步皮卡迪利广场。

4.Nonetheless, he ended up in a charge of pirate and being hung by the Thames River.但是最后还是因为曾作为海盗而被指控,并在泰晤士河边被实施了绞刑。

5.It was unveiled over the Thames River outside the ExCel Centre in London.这款飞行器已经在伦敦卓越国际会展中心附近的泰晤士河上公开亮相。

6.Huibers hopes to sail down the Thames River and dock in London for the 2012 Olympics.惠博斯希望明年乘坐该船经由泰晤士河抵达英国伦敦,观看2012年奥运会。

7.One stood in the southeastern corner of London, near an old Roman wall on the north bank of the Thames River.其中一个矗立在伦敦东南部的角落,在泰晤士河北岸的古罗马墙的附近。

8.The Thames River stank, The air was filled with a "disease odor" , as Londoners called it, and soot clung to ladies' dresses.泰晤士河发出恶臭,空气中弥漫着“疾病的气味”——伦敦人都如此称呼它,和烟尘紧紧挨着女士们的裙摆。

9.The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England.英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。

10.London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is situated on the Thames River near its mouth.英国的首都伦敦坐落在泰晤士河入海口处。