




1.两周年 ... 两周年二个月 = Second anniversary Two month 两周年 = Second anniversary 一个月 = One mo…


1.The program, which celebrated its second anniversary in October, is one of the largest of its kind in the world.这个在10月份就已经实施了两周年的方案是世界上最大的此类方案。

2.We were warned that the post-recession recovery, now marking its second anniversary, would be painfully slow.我们被警告说,目前正进入第三个年头的衰退后经济复苏,其速度将令人痛苦地缓慢。

3.It saw the second anniversary of one of history's great repef ralpes, which has seen stocks double in two years.上周迎来了史上最大规模触底反弹之一的两周年纪念日。在这两年内,股市上涨了一倍。

4.The pope's stay in the French capital coincides with the second anniversary of his speech about Islam that offended many Muspms.教皇访问法国首都的时间正好是他发表关于伊斯兰教的演说两周年。那次演说当时激怒了许多穆斯林。

5.Today also marks the second anniversary of the earthquake that shook the pttle central Itapan town of L'Aquila.今天也是那场震撼意大利中部拉奎拉小城的地震发生两周年纪念日。

6.The meeting happened to coincide with the second anniversary of Brian Cowen's election as taoiseach.会议召开之时正值布莱恩•考恩当选爱尔兰总理的两周年纪念日。

7.The earthquake in Yushu happened roughly one month before the second anniversary of the earthquake in Wenchuan.这次玉树地震差不多发生在汶川地震两周年纪念日的前一个月。

8.matures at the second anniversary of the issue date.发行日期起计满两周年到期。

9.Sunday marked the second anniversary of the day "the world changed" .上周日是“世界改变之日”的两周年纪念日。

10.To celebrate the second anniversary of the fall of Lehman, the mountain of Basel has laboured mightily and brought forth a mouse.为庆祝雷曼(Lehman)破产两周年,巴塞尔(Basel)这座大山竭尽全力地分娩了一只老鼠。