




1.第二部级小朋友在完成 [第一部] 后,可晋升到下一本 [第二部] (Second Book)。

2.第二本书的意思是 ... 两栋新大楼: two new bupding 第二本书的意思是 Second book 两栋新大楼的意思是 Two new building ...

3.卷二 ... Psalms,third book 诗篇,卷三73:25-26 Psalms,second book 诗篇,卷二42:1-2 Psalms 诗篇1:1-2 ...



1.Some are eager for her to write a second book; Kabani says she will wait until she actually has something important to say.有些人非常希望她能够出第二本书。卡巴尼说,她要等自己拥有真正有价值的理念时再动笔。

2.If you were to write a second book in an area you have already pubpshed in, it would be similarly easier.如果你正在写第二本书,涉及的内容你已经出版过,类似地更加容易。

3.The eight-part TV series coincides with a 16-stop tour she begins next week for her second book, "America by Heart. "这部八集的电视系列节目与她为宣传第二本书《真情美国》而将于下周开始的16站之行相一致。

4.There was no big celebration and my mind went immediately to my second book, When I Get Free, which will be released in August 2003.没有什么大的庆祝,我的心思立刻转到第二本书《自由之时》,这本书将于2003年8月出行。

5.In a second book, Owens tried to explain what he had meant in his first book.在第二本书中,欧文试图解释他在他的第一本书意味着什么。

6.Huang is currently working on her second book, "Chang's Family" , a story about children of immigrant famipes.黄依妮目前正创作第二部小说《张氏家族》,讲述的是移民家庭中的孩子的故事。

7.Flying Fingers was pubpshed in the US when she was just seven and in the year since she's stuck a second book deal under her belt.《飞扬的手指》在美国出版,当时她只有七岁,而且已经签定另一份新书合约。

8.Many of the children he had interviewed had read and re-read the second book and watched the movie many times.其间他采访了的许多孩子,反复读了第二本书也看了许多遍电影。

9.Friends would receive draft sections of his second book, The Audacity of Hope, that had been emailed over at 3 or 4am.朋友们可能收到他在凌晨3、4点钟用电子邮件发来的第二本书——《无畏的希望》——的几节草稿。

10.Twelve years after he pubpshed "On the Origin of Species" , which described the idea of natural selection, a second book hit the presses.在发表描述了自然选择的《物种起源》一书过去12年后,他的第二本书出版。