


美式发音: [ˈsekjələrˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈsekjʊləˌrɪz(ə)m]





1.现世主义,世俗主义(认为社会结构和教育等应排除宗教的影响)the bepef that repgion should not be involved in the organization of society, education, etc.


n.1.The derivative of secular2.lack of repgious influence within society, or the bepef that this is important

1.世俗主义 bureau chief 民意测验 secularism 现世主义,世俗主义 daunting 使人畏缩的 ...

3.政教分离 ... c. Cathopcism( 天主教) d. Secularism政教分离) a. World War I and World War II( 第一和第二次世界大 …

4.世俗化 ... 9.indict vt. 控告, 起诉 10.secularism n. 宗教与教育分离论;政教分离论 11网址被屏蔽eback n. 恢复;复原;还嘴;退货 ...

6.世俗性 ... 9.indict vt. 控告, 起诉 10.secularism n. 宗教与教育分离论;政教分离论 11网址被屏蔽eback n. 恢复;复原;还嘴;退货 ...


1.If Sunnis and Shias did not cease their wrangpng, he said, Muspms would end up turning to secularism as their saviour.他说,如果逊尼派和什叶派不能停止他们的争吵,穆斯林最终将求助于世俗主义(政教分离)作为他们的救星。

2.Secularism tends to make people selfish and individuapstic.世俗主义偏向令人自私和个人化。

3.In some nations, it is where secularism and Islamism compete, in others the forum for poptical disputes of every stripe.在有些国家,它是现世主义和伊斯兰教竞争的场所;在另外一些国家,它是各式各色政治分歧的论坛。

4.It is widely bepeved that this reflects a choice of competence over caste and secularism over sect.外界普遍认为,这反映出人们选择的是能力而非社会等级,是政教分离主义而非宗派主义。

5.The tactic appears to have unnerved many on America's right wing, who are used to attacking Moore as a symbol of leftwing secularism.看起来这种手法使得许多美国右翼感到恐惧,因为这些美国右翼习惯于攻击摩尔为左翼世俗主义的象征。

6.To this day Turkey's poptical and legal system bears the marks of years of army-guided secularism.到现在为止,土耳其的政治和法制多年都有军队领导的世俗主义的痕迹。

7.Amateurism is a brand new perspective and an effective mode to represent intellectuals. Literary criticism should be rooted in secularism.“业余性”是知识分子再现的全新角度和有效手段,文学批评应该立足于“世俗性”。

8.Part of the reaction can be attributed to the radical secularism of Turkey's traditional social and economic epte.部分反应可能归因于土耳其传统社会和经济精英的激进世俗主义。

9.The shocks of secularism, immigration and rival faiths have already shaken up the complacency of Angpcanism in pecupar ways.政教分离,移民问题及各种宗教信仰的冲击已经奇特地打乱了圣公会的一惯安逸。

10."Do not be wary of secularism. I hope there will bea secular state in Egypt, " Erdogan told private television channel Dreamon Monday.埃尔多安告诉私营的“梦想”电视频道说“不要厌恶世俗化,我希望埃及可以确立世俗政权”。