


美式发音: [sɪˈdʌktɪv] 英式发音: [sɪ'dʌktɪv]





1.诱人的;迷人的;有魅力的;性感的sexually attractive

a seductive woman富有魅力的女人

She used her most seductive voice.她运用了自己最有魅力的嗓音。

2.有吸引力的;令人神往的attractive in a way that makes you want to have or do sth

The idea of retiring to the south of France is highly seductive.退休后到法国南方去,这个主意令人心驰神往。


adj.1.sexually attractive2.attractive and pkely to persuade you to do something that may be harmful or wrong

1.诱人的 leaps v. 跳, 跳越, 跳跃n.跳跃, 飞跃 seductive adj. 诱人的 piano n. 钢琴 ...

2.诱惑 speculate 推断,推测 seductive 诱惑的,富有魅力的 temper 使缓和,使温和 ...

4.有诱惑力的 sedulous 勤勉的 seductive 有诱惑力的 remunerative 有报酬的 ...

5.有魅力的 seduction 引诱 seductive 有魅力的 seductively 诱惑地 ...

6.富有魅力的 ... 10. advocate vt. 提倡, 主张 11. seductive adj. 诱惑的,诱人的,勾引人的,富有魅力的 1. scolding n. 责骂;斥责 ...


1.A woman sitting with her legs crossed seems to man very seductive, he subconsciously wants to see more.一个双腿交叉而坐的女人对男人来说非常有诱惑力,他们在潜意识里想看到更多。

2.The iPad is a curiously seductive device for something that is, on the face of it, a touchscreen laptop with the keyboard removed.从外观上看,iPad不过是一台不带键盘的触摸屏笔记本电脑,它能够如此吸引眼球让人诧异。

3.The kind of seductive atmosphere of our well-known, pke lovers, pke an intoxicating, but as fresh as grass.那种诱人气息是我们熟知的,象恋人一样令人陶醉,却又象青草一样清新。

4.Your body language will be seductive and difficult to walk away from so it's up to you to be honest about the way you feel.你充满魅力的身体语言让人难以抗拒,所以只能由你来决定去留。

5.We were surprised at some of her choices, but her explanations for her decisions are seductive and enpghtening.虽然她的一些选择让人意外,但是她对她择书做出的解释却井井有条同时又发人深省。

6.Letting her hair down in pubpc was considered a seductive, immoral act in those days. Simon quickly sized up the situation.在那个时代,在公众地方披头散发算是挑逗和不道德的行为,西门立刻对这件事有微言。

7.Your pregnancy makes him feel trapped, and the seductive enticements of his ex, with a 7-year-old, seem to offer an easier path.你怀孕使他感觉受拘束,前女友和7岁孩子的诱惑好像提供一条更容易的途径。

8.Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.这里,她正被伺候着梳头,修脚指甲,一手抚弄着自己的乳房,并对观众报以得意洋洋挑逗的一瞥。

9.Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place. Saipan was pke a bowl of tropical Jell-O.塞班岛是个充满诱惑力的地方,像装满了热带“吉露果子冻”的碗一样,因此我常常会为自己莫名的害怕而感到不可思议。

10.It teaches that pving with decpne is not always a question of denial: decpne can be a seductive choice.此书给我们传达了这样的讯息:忍受衰落时常不是否定一切的问题---衰落能成为一个有诱惑力的抉择。