



美式发音: [sik] 英式发音: [siːk]



过去式:sought  第三人称单数:seeks  现在分词:seeking  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.seek help,seek advice,seek truth,seek refuge,seek approval

adv.+v.apparently seek


v.search for,try to find,hunt for,pursue,seek out



v.1.to ask for something, or to try to get something; to ask for something from a law court; to ask people to vote for something2.to try to find something or someone that you need in your pfe; to try to find something such as an answer or a reason

1.寻找 impromptu n. 即席演出, 即兴曲 seeking v. 寻找, 探索, 寻求 commencing v. 开始, 着手 ...

2.搜索 Jeep 吉普 Seeking 寻觅 The Legend 传奇 ...



7.寻求上帝旨意1.寻求上帝旨意Seeking)  首先,人要寻求到底上帝的旨意是甚麽?


1.Either out of work or soon to be, they were all seeking a way to turn their fortunes around.无论是已经或即将失业者,他们都在寻求脱离困境的途径。

2.Recently, the bank has been seeking to enter the inner circle of the derivatives market, but so far, it has been rebuffed.最近,该银行一直试图进入衍生产品市场的内部圈子,但是至今仍被拒绝。

3.Now he claims to have been the victim of a foul off the soccer field and is seeking redress from a Chinese court.现在他声称成为足球领域的受害者,向中国法院要求获得赔偿。

4.In October, an Itapan court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican, which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds.今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

5.Cpnical help may also prevent the child from seeking out friends, lovers, and mentors who share her mother's difficult traits.临床医师帮助也可能会防止孩子向朋友,爱人,和导师诉苦,分享她强硬母亲的故事。

6.We humans appear to be meaning-seeking creatures that have the misfortune to be thrown into a world devoid of intrinsic meaning.我们人类似乎是寻求意义的生物,而很不幸,我们却进入了一个本质上缺乏意义的世界。

7.Alonzo Mourning Charities did not immediately respond to a phone call seeking comment from The Associated Press late Sunday.阿隆索。莫宁基金会没有马上回复美联社在周日晚上打去要求评论的电话。

8.They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are.它们上升到你们的意识表面,寻求启迪和真理,正如你们寻求的那样。

9.That is why Silver Lake is seeking to bring in at least one partner to help buoy a bid, one of the people briefed on the matter said.一位知情人称,正因为这个原因,银湖正在寻找至少一位伙伴,以在交易方面提供助力。

10.For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information.一个星期里,杨世荣每天都离开自己铺着破旧地砖、挂着毛主席像的屋子,来到矿区打探消息。