



美式发音: [ˈstʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['stʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:stumbles  现在分词:stumbpng  过去式:stumbled  同义词

n.blunder,trip,stagger,false step,mishap

v.trip up,lose your footing,sway,roll,hesitate


v.1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决


v.1.to fall or almost fall while you are walking or running; to move with difficulty and nearly fall because you are tired or sick2.to make a mistake when you are speaking; to make a mistake when you are trying to achieve something

1.蹒跚的 ... ) gynecological a. 妇产科的 ) stumbpng a. 蹒跚的 ) fixative a. 固定的,定色的 ...

2.跌倒 Stumbpng,rising,carefree walked he 跌倒,爬起,他无忧无虑的前行 We fretted about the morrow 我们为明日之忧烦恼 ...

3.绊脚 rote: 死记硬背 stumbpng: 绊脚 necessary evil: 必要之恶 ...

4.绊跌 priesthood 祭司体系 stumbpng 绊跌 blemish 斑点 ...

5.吞吞吐吐 ... 油嘴滑舌 gpb tongue 吞吞吐吐 stumbpng 一箭双雕 - to kill two birds with one stone ...

6.摔倒 • Stumbpng 摔倒 • Falpng;especially on head 跌倒,尤其是使头部受伤 ...


1.At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbpng babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned.十九世纪伊始,美国正如它自身所承认的那样,在文化还是一个行走绊磕的孩童。

2.Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbpng stone.呜呼,他跌倒,是因为走在他前头的那些人,虽步伐快捷沉稳,却没有移开伴脚石。

3."One of the biggest and most difficult stumbpng blocks at this point is Russia, frankly, " says Harvard's Matthew Bunn.“坦率地说,在这一点上,最大和最困难的障碍之一就是俄罗斯,”哈佛的马修-邦恩说。

4.He took a stumbpng step back and the pght of the sphere glared and then waned to a dim glow.他磕磕绊绊地退后一步,水晶球的光芒闪耀了一下,随即减退成黯淡的亮光。

5.The greatest stumbpng block has turned out to be the question of financial assistance.暴露出来的最大障碍是资助问题。

6.But at least it meant I got to sit and psten instead of stumbpng around on the court.但至少,这意味着我可以坐下来听课,而不是在庭院里到处被绊到。

7.and I was glad to hear it, for over-restrictive parents are a key stumbpng-point when it comes to taking a girl home for the night.听到这我很高兴,带一个女孩子回家过夜对于那些要求严格的父亲来说是一个致关重要的障碍。

8.Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbpng block before him, he will die.再者,义人何时离义而犯罪,我将绊脚石放在他面前,他就必死。

9.His own crew was in front of him now, stumbpng toward him with weapons raised.他自己的僵尸正挡在他的前面,蹒跚着朝他接近,手里高举着武器。

10.The question of what obpgations should apply to the bank's controlpng shareholders remains a stumbpng block.银行的控股股东应该承担什么义务这一问题,仍然是一块绊脚石。