



1网站屏蔽rmation retrieval behavior of users is seldomly combined with the improvement of information retrieval technology.用户信息检索行为与改善信息检索技术结合较少。

2.Mild side effects as gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, nausea and dizziness were seldomly reported.温和的肠胃不适、头痛、恶心和眩晕等副作用也极少报告。

3.CABG and myocardial loosening operations is seldomly used because of severe trauma and higher risks.而外科搭桥手术和心肌松解术由于创伤大,手术风险大,效果也不肯定,临床很少采用。

4.Thus if you want to reduce compile times, move scripts that seldomly change into group 1 and scripts that change a lot into group 4.因此,如果你想减少编译时间,移动脚本罕变成1组和脚本,变成4组很多。

5.So I call on every teenagers to play games seldomly.因此我呼吁所有青少年们少玩点游戏。

6.I am seldomly late to work.我最近上班很少迟到

7.A relative of the salmon, they can live a long time. They are seldomly seen and very prized.鲑鱼一类,它们可以活很长时间。它们很稀有,价值很高。

8.He is right, i seldomly come back home, and they are always too busy to go to holidays because of making money for me.他是对的,我很少回家,他们也因为太忙而很少去休假,因为他们要为我赚钱。

9.Determination of Frequently Occurred and Seldomly Occurred Earthquakes in Consideration of Earthquake Environment考虑地震环境的设计常遇地震和罕遇地震的确定
