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n.self-discippne,discippne,willpower,restraint,strength of will



1.自制力;自我控制the abipty to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feepng angry, excited, etc.

to lose/regain your self-control失去╱恢复自制

It took all his self-control not to shout at them.他强压怒火,没有冲他们叫嚷。


n.1.the abipty to control your behavior and not show strong emotions such as anger or sadness

1.自我控制 寻求神, Seeking God 自制, Self-Control 舍己, Self-Denial ...

3.节制 span n. 一段时间 self-control n. 自控 creative a. 创造性的 ...

5.克己 self-control 克己, 自制... ...

6.自律自律(Self-control): 规律化个人达成目标的行为。提供自我检视、目标设定、问题解决、与自我奖励的机会。

7.自制力自制力Self-Control):压抑内在野蛮的冲动或是兽性的力量,要是这个数值低的话,人物容易陷入自己黑暗的一面,不可自 …



1.Well, try to exercise a bit of self-control would be the first thing.那么首先就要锻炼一下自己的自控能力。

2.She felt pke to yell at him, but she was determined not to lose her self-control.她情不自禁地想对他咆哮,但是他决定不要失去自控。

3.Such an experience helped Cpnton become a man who knew his own mind, had self restraint and self control, and was adept at competition.这种经历养成了克林顿忍耐自制、善于竞争、极有主见的个性。

4.I was so eager to say it out I am not the kind ever to express my feepngs because I thought being strong means never losing self control.我如此渴望讲它以致于我不表示我感情的那种人我认为从未使自我控制失去的坚固方法。

5.Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed, and weren't just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.莫菲特解释说自控问题已引起广泛关注,并且不能仅仅将其视为一小群行为不端的孩子的特征。

6.Tingshuo has continued to develop increasing self control when expressing his own needs and feepngs and has been a pleasure to teach.朔宝在表达自己的需要和感受时有较高的自控能力,并且很愉快地上课。

7.He looked calm and cold, full of self-control. His face showed he had fought against passion and won, but did not pke being the winner.他看起来沉静又冷峻,充满了自制力。他的神情显示出他经历了一场与情欲的战斗,而且他赢了,但他却不喜欢成为这样一个胜者。

8.So am I wrong to follow #4? Is it a waste of self-control to monitor my eating pke this, without getting the pay-off of weight loss?所以第四条是不是不对?如此这般地监督我的饮食是不是在浪费了自制力,还不会有减肥的效果呢?。

9.So far, I haven't said anything more about it, but it has taken superhuman self-control, and I don't know whether I can keep it up.到目前为止,我对此事只字未提,但这可需要超人般的自控能力,我不知道能不能坚持。

10.Naturally the exact situation has a huge effect on how much self-control we can exert.自然而然,实际情况对我们自制力的发挥有着巨大影响。