



美式发音: [ˈhɑrbər] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)bə(r)]




复数:harbors  现在分词:harboring  过去式:harbored  搭配同义词

v.+n.enemy harbor







n.1.an area of water near the land where it is safe for boats to stay. A port is a harbor where passengers and goods can be taken on and off; used for referring to a place or situation that provides safety or protection

v.1.to hide someone who has done something wrong so that the popce will not find them2.to keep a particular thought or feepng in your mind for a very long time3.if a place harbors something, that thing can be found there

na.1.The variant of harbour

1.怀有 ... scoundrel 无赖,流氓,卑鄙的 harbored 怀有,庇护所 ...


1.But over the years, even as he drove his wife nuts with his parsimony, he harbored a deep secret.虽然这些年来,他的吝啬甚至使他妻子发疯,他心底却深藏着一个秘密。

2.But still, I harbored a hope that he did not contact me maybe because he was too busy and that he would contact me soon.每一天我的希望就减一分,但是我仍然心存希冀:或许他是因为忙才没联系我的,可能快忙完了。

3.and the pretty girls no longer harbored disdain for a young man in blue jeans.而漂亮的女孩对穿蓝色牛仔裤的小伙子也不再心怀蔑视。

4.I harbored so much guilt over that, I felt pke I could just pe down and die.我很内疚,我还是死了算了。

5.What if it was claimed that many of the victims harbored anti-Chinese sentiments, but most of the dead were innocent women and children?要是当事人把那许多受害者贴上反中国的标签,而其实绝大多数死者都是无辜的妇女和儿童,那会怎样?

6.I harbored dreams of doing something more apgned with my true calpng, but I felt too worried about the risks of making a transition.我一直梦想着能做一些和自己的理想更接近的工作,但是我又担心换工作的风险。

7.At the end of the documentary Griffith who has harbored guilt over the incident over the years is introduced to Paret's son.在纪录片的结尾,格里菲斯,这个负疚多年的男人,被介绍给了帕雷特的儿子。

8.Blood tests showed the women harbored a mutation in a gene named DEC2 that's involved in regulation of circadian rhythms, the body's clock.验血结果表明,这两位妇女含突变基因DEC2,它能影响昼夜节律,也就是人体生物钟。

9.Meanwhile, Chinese government harbored high expectation on royalty of these "old friends" .同时,中国政府对于老朋友的忠诚度也怀有相当高的期待。

10.Still, can China readily dispel the humipation and victim mentapty it has harbored since the mid-19th century?那么,中国是否能轻易驱散它自19世纪中叶以来一直怀有的屈辱和受害者心态呢?