




1.自我表露要注意呢?」 「我真的不懂,应该怎办呢?」 5. 自我开放法 (Self-disclosure) 1. 将自己的心情和想法向对方 透露 2. 例: 不喜欢 …


1.The researchers found support for deeper self-disclosure from bloggers resulting in a range of better social connections.研究者发现,对于深层自我暴露受到其他博客友的支持能形成一系列更好的社会联系。

2.Therefore, self-disclosure through blogging may serve as the core of building intimate relationships.因此,通过网志书写进行的自我表露可能是建立一个亲密关系的核心。

3.Self-disclosure is one of hot topics in mental health research.自我表露一直是心理咨询与心理健康领域的重要话题之一。

4.Also, the findings revealed that self disclosure is the important strategy of sopciting and offering support.再者,自我表露行为是网络社会支持寻求者和提供者最常使用的行为策略。

5.The question is whether more self-disclosure leads to more social capital and subjective well being.那么这里的问题已就成了更高的自我表露是否会带来更高的社会资本和主观幸福感?

6.Secondly, a survey on the users'self-disclosure behaviors in SNS is presented by both theory and profound interviews.接着,本文通过扎根理论和深度访谈方法,深入调查用户在SNS中自我表露的特征。

7.Self disclosure leads to gain of acquaintance or even develops intimate relationships with others.自我表露会让你获得一些新的朋友甚至于会升级到亲密关系的阶段。

8.Mutual self-disclosure, on the other hand, tends to build strong interpersonal bonds, leading to trust, admiration, and ultimately intimacy.另一方面,彼此自我介绍,往往会建立牢固的人际关系,以致相互信任、相互欣赏并且最终相互关系密切。

9.Posts with a high level of self-disclosure evokes more comments and more subscriptions to your blog.具有较高自我表露的帖子会不仅会带来更多的评论,还会让你的网志的订阅量上升。

10.Self-disclosure level of students whose specialty is sports is higher than that of non- sport specialty students.其中,对体育专业学生而言,从事集体项目的学生的自我表露水平高于从事个人项目的学生。