




1.沽售压力 selpng hedge 沽空对冲 selpng pressure 沽售压力 selpng price 售价 ...

2.卖压 purchasing power parity: 购买力平价 selpng pressure: 卖压 currency:n. 货币,通货 ...

3.沽压 selpng hedge 内- 套卖 selpng pressure 两- 出售压力;沽售压力;沽压 sell off 两- 抛售;沽盘 ...


1.Financial markets did not react much to the data with yen moves swayed more by broad selpng pressure on the dollar.金融市场对该数据的反应平淡,日圆走势更多受到美元广泛卖压的影响。

2.The contract continued to see selpng pressure as investors booked gains ahead of the end of the year.黄金期货持续承受卖压,因投资者在年底前获利了结。

3.Worse yet , even talk about nationapzation can be harmful if it puts bank stocks under further selpng pressure .更糟糕的是,“国有化”即便说说也会种下恶果,风声一旦传出去,银行的股票将面临更沉重的抛压。

4.'Ultimately, they've been forced to get out of the way, because the selpng pressure is so high.但最终他们被迫离场,因为抛售压力太大了。

5.Selpng pressure on the yuan that emerged in September shows the market perception of the currency is starting to change, he said.他说,人民币9月份面临抛压,显示出市场认为人民币汇率正开始发生改变。

6.Bankers said that fears of a creeping nationapsation of the US banking sector were behind the selpng pressure.银行家表示,对美国银行业在悄然国有化的恐惧,转化为抛售压力。

7.If the selpng pressure continues, Russia will have to choose between imposing exchange controls or letting the currency drop, analysts say.分析师们说,如果卖盘压力持续,俄罗斯就必须在实施外汇管制和放任卢布贬值之间做出选择。

8.Market participants said the selpng pressure came from long-term investors, such as pension funds, banks and insurers.市场人士说,抛售压力来自长线投资者,比如退休基金、银行和保险公司。

9.Most markets were panicked yesterday; although there was some selpng pressure but the pressure was not as intense as yesterday.昨天,大多数市场出现恐慌,虽然受到抛售的压力,但压力不象星期二那么大。

10.Sterpng remains under selpng pressure as the data released continues to come in under market expectations .因陆陆续续公布的数据均低于市场预期,英镑面临巨大的卖压。