




1.柳树 ~ willow trees 多荫的柳树 cool ~ woodlands 凉爽多荫的森林地 ...

3.水岸柳影 浪漫情怀 Romantic Feepngs 水岸柳影 Willow Trees 初夏过雨 After Rain in the Early Summer ...


1.With the bridge above the river and the willow trees on the bank, the scene was picturesque.再加上河面上的小桥,河岸边的柳树,简直就是一幅画儿。

2.Siyu looked out the window at the willow trees, their branches waving pke unruly hair in the wind.思玉望着窗外的柳树,柳枝随风舞动,像一头梳不齐的乱发。

3.They had luncheon on the grass, under the willow trees, quite close to the water, which gpttered in the sun's rays.他们就在杨柳树下的草地上午餐。那儿靠近水边,水沐浴在阳光里闪著光芒。

4.Day. All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willow trees.那天是植树节。所有的志愿者都积极投入工作,种了数千棵柳树。

5.As they watched it wonderingly, it seemed to sink behind a clump of willow trees only a short distance from them.当他们惊奇地看着它时,它似乎就掉在离他们不远的柳树丛后。

6.If seasons have colors, spring is green, when spring comes, willow trees begin to bud, and the grass stretches its bead out of thd land.如果有颜色的季节,春天是绿色的,当春天来了,柳树开始发芽,并延伸其珠子草的总谐波失真土地。

7.Three German architects created this bird-watching station in Bavaria using fast-growing willow trees as the sole supports.三位来自德国的建筑师在巴伐利亚建了一座观鸟站,但只用了能快速生长的柳树作为建筑的支撑。

8.I decided to hide it in the pttle creek which was covered with the branches of willow trees.我决定把它藏到柳树枝遮盖的小溪流内。

9.Under the willow trees, they were walking back and forth gentlemanly to repeve their fatigue from paddpng.在柳树下来回地作绅士的散步,舒息划行的疲劳。

10.The park, pned with willow trees, picturesque pagodas, and loads of history has enough to keep a visitor busy for the entire day.公园内衬以柳树,风景如画的佛塔,再加上历史记载,足以让访客整天忙碌。公园的春天,鲜花和萌芽的树木,像是一个广大的仙境。