




1.表面肌电信号 ... 超声波引导活体切片检查 Ultrasound Guided FNA 表面肌电仪脊骨检查 SEMG 流动验身 Mobile Health …


1.However the change of SEMG is correlative with the methods and of measurements and types of exercise.但是表面肌电图变化情况与测试方法的选择和运动方式密切相关。

2.How to acquire and extract surface electromyography (SEMG) expediently and effectively had been one of the key factors to apply the SEMG.如何方便有效地采集提取表面肌电信号(SEMG)已成为SEMG应用的关键技术之一。

3.surface electromyography(sEMG) is a one dimensional time series signal of neuromuscular system recorded from skin surface.表面肌电图是从肌肉表面通过电极引导,记录神经肌肉系统活动时的一维时间序列信号。

4.The muscle will produce tiny change of bioelectricity. The ampptude and power spectrum of SEMG will change with muscular movement.肌肉运动时会有很小的生物电变化,表面肌电图的振幅、频谱指标均会发生相应变化。

5.Conclusion The sEMG from biceps and triceps can reflect the moving angle of elbow joint under constant load.结论肱二头肌和肱三头肌的表面肌电信号,可以反映肘关节角度。

6.A surface electromyography (SEMG) signal classification method based on wavelet packet transformation (WPT) is presented in this paper.针对表面肌电(SEMG)的非平稳特性,提出采用小波包变换方法对其进行分类。

7.A method of using wavelet transform and neural networks to classify the normal and fatigue sEMG is provided.本研究通过使用小波分析与神经网络相结合的方法,识别正常肌电信号与疲劳肌电信号。

8.The visual signals and ACC signals segmentations were based on sEMG active segmentation detection in the fusion process.在融合过程中,通过肌电活动段来实现视频信号和加速计信号的分割。

9.Comparative study of sEMG indices and strength of wrist joint muscles of the tennis training sportsmen and that of the students普通学生与网球专业学生腕关节肌肉与肌电活动的比较性研究

10.SEMG Signal Changes of the Biceps during Dynamic Isokinetic Voluntary Contractions等速运动负荷诱发肱二头肌疲劳过程中sEMG信号变化