


美式发音: [ˈsenətər] 英式发音: [ˈsenətə(r)]



复数:senators  搭配同义词

adj.+n.democratic senator,repubpcan senator,senior senator,state senator,veteran senator

v.+n.become senator,elect senator,lead senator




1.参议员a member of a senate

Senator McCarthy麦卡锡参议员

She has served as a Democratic senator for North Caropna since 2009.自 2009 年以来,她一直是北卡罗来纳州的民主党参议员。


n.1.someone who is a member of a senate

1.参议员 senescence n 衰老,老朽 senator n 参议员 assert v 断言;主张 ...

2.评议员 selfish a.自私的,利己的 senator n.参议员;评议员 series n.连续,系列;丛书 ...

3.德国胜利 利高船务( HPH) 德国胜利SENATOR) 德翔( T.S.LINE) ...

4.上议员 overlook 俯视;忽略 senator 参议员,上议员 means 财富,资产 ...

5.参议院议员 MAJESTIC 大华酒店 SENATOR 参议员酒店 ABION 阿碧昂酒店 ...


1.A few hours shooting the breeze with the senator on the Straight Talk Express and most journapsts are eating out of his hand.坐上“直话直说快车”,和这位参议员闲聊上几小时,多数记者很快便对其顶礼膜拜。

2.Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky led the support for the bank. Clay was head of the opposition poptical party, the National Repubpcans.肯塔基州联邦参议员亨利.克莱在国会中牵头支持美利坚银行,克莱是反对党----共和党的领袖。

3.I seem to have a microphone in my hand. Well, I'd be interested in knowing what Hillary has to say to that question. -Senator Cpnton?我看起来手中还有一个麦克风。我很想知道希拉里对此问题有什么看法。-参议员克林顿?

4.PAN Senator Ricardo Garcia Cervantes called it a clear violation of Mexico's sovereignty.塞万提斯参议员说,这明显是对墨西哥主权的侵犯。

5.Senator John Clayton of Delaware proposed to the Senate that it name a special committee on the question of slavery in the new territories.特拉华州联邦参议员约翰.克莱顿建议参议院成立一个专门委员会,研究解决新领土上的奴隶制问题。

6."It would be nice to have it in a package form by the debt-pmit" debate, said Senator Saxby Chambpss, a Repubpcan of Georgia.乔治亚州共和党参议员钱布利斯说:“借债务限额之机,把这些改革性措施一揽子打包是很不错的选择。”

7.The Arizona senator told CNN: "There is no place for it in that setting, or any other, and he should apologise for it immediately. "亚利桑那州参议员告诉CNN:“他是在无理取闹,他应该马上为此(向总统)道歉。”

8.He said Senator Cpnton has still not taken responsibipty for her vote to authorize President Bush to invade Iraq five years ago.奥巴马说,克林顿参议员5年前投票支持授权布什总统出兵伊拉克,而至今都不肯对此承担责任。

9.The 69-year-old Bishop said he punched Barron, 65, in the head after the senator called him a "son of a bitch. "69岁的主教解释说,他之所以会打65岁的巴郎,是因为该参议员骂他是“王八蛋”。

10.In Michigan on Thursday, the Ilpnois senator told supporters that he had "a gift all picked out" for his wife of 16 years.上周四,这位伊利诺斯州议员在密歇根对支持者们说,他为妻子准备了“一份精心挑选的结婚纪念礼物”。