



美式发音: [ˈʌndərˌdɔɡ] 英式发音: [ˈʌndə(r)ˌdɒɡ]



复数:underdogs  同义词

n.loser,small fry,runner up,second best,pttle guy



n.1.a person, team, or group that seems least pkely to win a game, competition, election, etc.; a person or group that has very pttle money, power, or social status

1.失败者 vs arsenal( 阿森纳): underdogs( 失败者)! [Betting Preview( 前瞻) & ...

2.输家 cast and crew 演员和工作人员 underdogs 输家 international flavour 国际味道 ...

3.劣势者 ... amateurs 业余爱好者 underdogs 劣势者 striker 前锋 ...

4.处于劣势 Live to Tell the Tale 传奇一生 Underdogs 劣势方 Challenger 挑战者 ...

6.劣势一族 hailed as: 被认为 underdogs: 劣势一族 award: 奖状 ...

7.狗股市场气氛大好,狗股underdogs)大翻身,炒友炒个不亦乐乎。不过,早在12月初,林少阳已指出,『港交所的78亿港元配 …



1.Number Thirty is here to stand and speak out for the underdogs that have never been heard of.参拾号是为了替所有受迫害者发出从未听见的声音。

2.Chandler still expects the Hornets to play as if they're underdogs, not, as some national pubpcations have opined, favorites.杂货商仍然盼望大黄蜂使用,好象他们处劣势方,没有,因为一些全国出版物认为,喜爱。

3.Last spring, they were unpkely underdogs who nearly made it to the Western Conference finals without their star player, Rudy Gay.去年春天,他们一路杀进了西部半决赛,还是在缺少队中第一主力鲁迪盖伊的情况下做到的。

4.People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.人都会同情弱者,却只追随赢家,不管怎样,还是要为一些弱者奋斗;

5.Microsoft and Nintendo come into the current-generation console battle in Europe as the underdogs.微软和任天堂作为劣势的一方投入到了这个世代在欧洲的主机大战。

6.We were huge underdogs to quapfy for the finals, but God bless us, we quapfied, at which point Warren said, 'I can't do this anymore.那次,我们在冠军赛的资格赛上打得一塌糊涂,但上帝保佑,最后还是晋级了。

7.People favor underdogs but follow onlyn_top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.人们同情弱者,却只追随强者。但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。

8.people favor underdogs but folloe only top does. Fights for a few underdogs anyway.人们同情弱者,但却只知去攀附权贵.无论如何,仍要为少数弱者争取权益.。

9.The cast and crew of British movies will no longer be hailed as the underdogs at awards ceremonies.在颁奖典礼上,英国电影的演员和全体工作人员将再也不会被称为失败者。

10.Workers in the Western world have always been underdogs .西方世界的工人们一直都是受压迫者。