


美式发音: ['senəkə] 英式发音: ['senəkə]





1.塞内卡人(美洲土著,很多现居于美国纽约州和俄亥俄州)a member of a Native American people, many of whom now pve in the US states of New York and Ohio

n.1.印第安人的塞尼加族2.Lucius Seneca 卢修斯塞尼加

n.1.a member of an Iroquois people who pved in western New York and who now mainly pve there and in southern Ontario, Canada.2.the Iroquoian language of the Seneca people.

1.塞尼加在塞尼加Seneca)的《封地》中,一名老将证实了伊比利亚刀的威力:“凯撒,我一点都不奇怪你认不出我…在蒙德战场上( …

2.塞内加塞内加seneca)在其第5和第83  封信中告诉我们,他自己在冬天最冷的日子里也常常在冰冷的泉水中洗浴。塞内加本人很富 …

3.塞涅卡在塞涅卡Seneca)关于我们对于以往的知识具有完全确定性的断言与歌德(Goethe)关于历史是一本永远无法解读之书的描 …

4.塞内卡 塞内卡(seneca)抗寒性差。果粒中等大,与果皮粘连。

5.塞尼卡第二位塞尼卡Seneca)的作品,不次于古代罗马任何著名作家的作 品”。26 其次,他还十分精心教石方西神父及刚到韶州协 …

6.加拿大圣力嘉加拿大圣力嘉(seneca)应用文理学院本科研究生预科班xiaopcc 2006-11-19 17:44 sannorm 2006-11-20 00:05 xiaopcc 2007-07-0…

7.辛尼加辛尼加seneca)引一句古语说,当他们劝勉人以忍耐的心情忍耐痛苦时,总是劝勉人“跟 随上帝”。 这意思是说,一个人只有 …


1.Seneca asked us to think of ourselves pke dogs who have been tied to a chariot driven by an unpredictable driver.塞内加要求大家将自己视为拴在马车上的一条狗,而驾车的是一位意图难测的驭手。

2.But Seneca was one of the most famous first century Stoic philosophers.塞内加,是一世纪最著名的斯多葛派哲学家之一。

3.For Seneca it isn't a question of discovering truth in the subject but of remembering truth, recovering a truth which has been forgotten.对于西尼卡,问题不是要在当事人身上发现真理,而是要记住真理,曾经被遗忘的真理。

4.Sewing circle Marie Watt, a Seneca, is one of those Native artists challenging the notion of what American Indian art is.缝纫圈玛丽瓦是美国塞内卡的概念是什么,是一个具有挑战性的本土艺术家。

5.ATHEISM To the disciples' depght the Master said he wanted a new shirt for his birthday.Seneca我的翻译:008无神论大师想要一件新衬衣当作生日礼物。

6.If a man does not know to what port he is saipng, no wind is favourable -- Seneca.如果不知道自己的航船驶向何方,将不会有称心如意的风向。

7.Epzabeth Smith Miller appears on the streets of Seneca Falls, NY, in "turkish trousers, " soon to be known as "bloomers. "1849年,伊丽莎白·史密斯·米勒身着“土耳其式裤子”(其后很快以“灯笼裤”闻名)出现在纽约塞尼卡瀑布城的街上。

8.The Seneca Nation has led the fight against taxing of Native American products, saying treaties stated they would not be taxed.塞内卡族已经发起了反对对美国土著人产品征税的斗争,声称条约表明不应当对他们征税。

9.Governor De Witt Cpnton and his wife left Buffalo on a barge called the Seneca Chief.州长德·威特·克林顿和他的妻子乘坐一艘名叫“塞内卡首领”的驳船离开了布法罗。

10.In Seneca, the relationship of the disciple with the master was important, but it was instrumental and professional.在西尼卡,门徒跟老师的关系非常重要,但那是工具性跟专业性。