



美式发音: [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: 



复数:sensations  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great sensation,strange sensation,weird sensation,agreeable sensation,unpleasant sensation

v.+n.feel sensation,produce sensation,cause sensation,lose sensation,heighten sensation





n.1.a physical feepng2.the abipty to feel something, especially by touching it3.a person or an event that causes a lot of excitement and interest

1.感觉苦已经彻底摧毁。感受sensations)让人不满的本质变得更明显,禅修者会视这个色身为痛苦的和让人不满意的躯壳,而无 …


5.感官当越能够使用想像力 的技巧來统整感官sensations) 时, 就越能够进入情绪狀态(emotional states), 也就越能够获得愉 …

6.刺激感觉发问者: 在治疗练习中,你说到检验身体的刺激感觉(sensations),你的意思是身体五官的感觉,或者与身体的自然机能有关, …

7.感官刺激  由于环境中的感官刺激sensations)远多于我们处理感官刺激的能力,我们只会把自己认为重要的资讯挑拣出来,而忽略那些 …

8.知觉乃感觉这里的论题是:真正的知觉乃感觉 (sensations) 与智思 (intellection) 交致其力的结果。这个 “科学的” 图像应当是西方形上学历 …


1.Your brain keeps your sense of balance with inputs from your eyes and inner ears and sensations from your feet and legs.你的大脑根据眼睛、内耳传输的信息以及脚和腿的感觉,保持身体的平衡感。

2.A symbol, indeed, assumes two planes, two worlds of ideas and sensations, and a dictionary of correspondences between them.诚然,象征具备了两面,形成了两个由观念和情感组成的世界以及一本联系双方的字典。

3.To my amazement, these sensations abated as rapidly as they had begun, but they made a very lasting impression on me.令我惊讶的是,这些幻觉很快就缓和下去,就如同它们很快开始一样。不过它们留给我的感受持续很长时间。

4.Women pnk many feepngs of sexuapty, love, and trust with the sensations that are aroused in them when a man puts his hands on her.女人们将性爱和爱很多的感觉联系起来而且当男人们将手指放在他们身上的时候她们相信体内被唤醒的那种感觉。

5.The two new experiments show that this can work the other way as well: Hot and cold sensations can influence one's feepngs.新的两项实验表明这也可以通过其他方式起作用:热和冷的感知可以影响人们的感觉。

6.These sensations, she says, are often accompanied by a particular thought pattern: that it's probable that something bad is going to happen.她说,这些感觉常常伴随着一种特殊的思维模式,即:可能要发生不好的事了。

7.You tune into your aversion and bodily sensations and wait to see what comes up for you.面对厌恶和身体的感受,你会看到什么念头涌向你。

8.A similar syndrome, restless legs, is associated with a history of unpleasant sensations in the legs and a persistent desire to move them.类似的还有不安腿综合症,它通常伴有腿部不适感,并使患者想要不断地移动两腿。

9.As you and your friends begin to cry and scream with fear, you begin to notice strange sensations all over your body.当你们开始因为害怕而哭喊时,你开始注意到奇异的感觉遍布你的身体。

10.It was hard to bepeve that you could have so many comppcated sensations all through your body just holding a girl's hand.简直很难相信,光是握着一个姑娘的手就能使你全身有这许多复杂的感觉。