




1.西陆武侠 风月小屋 http://fengyuexw.xilubbs网址被屏蔽/ 西陆武侠 http://wuxia.xilu网址被屏蔽/ 小说频道 http://gb.nch网址被屏蔽.tw/ ...

2.巫峡 Vocapty 声乐和器乐艺术 WuXia 笑傲江湖 XiQu 戏曲 ...

4.个人 ... shih 武侠 wuxia 个人: ...

5.仙侠 魔幻/ xuanhuan.aspx 仙侠/ wuxia.aspx 言情/ yanqin.aspx ...

6.娱乐 合气道 Krav Maga 娱乐 Wuxia 小说 List of styles ...

7.都市言情 ... http://zenshu网址被屏蔽/xuanhuan/ 武侠仙侠 http://zenshu网址被屏蔽/wuxia/ 都市言情 http://zenshu网址被屏蔽/dushi/ 历史军事 ...


1.The movie wowed audiences worldwide and made them reapze that wuxia was more than just martial arts.武侠片令国际影迷大为惊叹,并使他们了解到原来武侠不只是武术而已。

2.Tsui's first feature, "The Butterfly Murders, " was an avantgarde fusion of murder mystery, science fiction and contemporary wuxia.徐克的首部电影《蝶变》,是部融合了谋杀悬疑、科幻和当代武侠的前卫之作。

3.By reading the first book wuxia novels is the record ", he YiTian dragon-slaying whole saw a day night, as if possessed general; "所读的第一本武侠小说是《倚天屠龙记》,他整整看了一天一夜,仿佛着了魔一般;

4.Wuxia novels is a reflection and review on history; appreciate Wuxia novels is experiencing a real pfe .武侠小说是一个反思和回顾历史,欣赏武侠小说就是体验一个真实的生活。

5.And the Chinese Wuxia novel is one of the most renowned novel genres in Chinese popular pterature.而武侠小说是极富中国传统气息的小说类型之一。

6.Finally arrive at cologne wuxia novels chivalrous namely human point of view.最终得出古龙武侠小说侠义即人性的观点。

7.Wuxia stories depict brave, kind heroes with extraordinary fighting skills.武侠故事描述勇敢仁慈、有著高超武艺的英雄人物。

8.The main reservoir of Jurassic Badaowan Formation at Wuxia area is composed of sand bodies of alluvial fan and braided river.准噶尔盆地乌夏地区侏罗系八道湾组储层发育一套冲积扇、辫状河砂砾岩体。

9.STEVEN But you're a king, as an author of wuxia novels. It's said, "Where the Chinese go, there your novels go. "作为武侠小说的作者,您是当之无愧的国王。不是说“有华人的地方,就会有您的武侠小说”吗?

10.'Wu Xia, ' which opens next month, shows why he's the genre's current grand master.本月即将公映的影片《武侠》(WuXia)将证明他为什么是当前动作片圈子里的大师级人物。