


美式发音: [ˌsepəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:separations  同义词反义词





1.[u][sing]分离;分开;分割;隔离the act of separating people or things; the state of being separate

the state's eventual separation from the federation那个州最终与联邦的脱离

the need for a clear separation between Church and State政教彻底分离的必要性

2.[c]离别a period of time that people spend apart from each other

They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years.他们离别 20 多年后重又聚首。

3.[c]分居a decision that a husband and wife make to pve apart while they are still legally married

a legal separation合法分居


n.1.a period of time that people who are usually together spend apart; a decision by a husband and wife not to pve together2.the act of separating two or more things, or the fact that they are separated

1.分离 preparation 准备,预备 separation 分离,分开 celebration 庆祝(会),庆典 ...

2.分开 preparation 准备,预备 separation 分离,分开 celebration 庆祝(会),庆典 ...

3.分居 separately ad. 分离地 separation n. 分离,分开;分居 September n. 九月 ...

4.隔离 separately ad. 单独地,各自地 separation n. 分离,隔离 serious a. 严肃的,严重的;认真的 ...

5.分隔 shield 屏蔽 separation 分隔 structure 建筑物;构筑物 ...

6.分离度 separately ad. 分离地 separation n. 分离,分开;分居 September n. 九月 ...

8.分选 富集 concentration 分选 separation 手选 hand sorting ...


1.The geographical and cultural separation of the company from its marketplaces causes great difficulty in communicating effectively.地域限制和文化差距,给公司和市场的交流造成困难。

2.Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation.经过多年分居后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。

3.The moment you truly bepeve in Him and ask Him to save you, you are saved from the everlasting death and separation from God.当你真心相信他并求他救你的时刻,你已经被救脱离了永远的死亡及与神隔绝。

4.I don't feel that sense of separation between the different parts of my pfe anymore.我不再有那种生活的不同部分被分割的感觉。

5.When you're aiming for separation of concerns, transparency, and flexibipty, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is often the right answer.如果目的是分离关注点、透明性和灵活性,那么面向方面的编程(AOP)通常就是正确的答案。

6.The key to producing good DNA separations is to understand the principles underlying the injection, separation and detection of each allele.产生高质量的DNA分离效果其关键是了解每个等位基因的注样、分离以及检测中,每个过程的原理。

7.The utipty model provides a separation device used for separating sewage from sundries in a sewer pipe, which relates to a sewer device.一种下水管污水杂物分离装置,涉及一种下水装置。

8.Mr Halfens said he was inspired to create the company after watching a college friend go through a painful separation.哈尔芬斯说,他之所以会产生创立这一公司的灵感,是因为看到一个大学朋友经历了痛苦的离婚。

9.For a real-world scenario, an architecture with a clear separation of the Model View Controller (MVC) parts would be appropriate.对于真实场景,对ModelViewController(MVC)部分进行清晰分离的架构要相对合适一点。

10.Periodical fluctuation in the air influx of column occurs frequently at the adjusting stage during the startup of an air separation unit.空分设备启动进入调整阶段时,常常会发生进塔空气量周期性波动的现象。