



美式发音: [ədˈvaɪz] 英式发音: [əd'vaɪz]



第三人称单数:advises  现在分词:advising  过去式:advised  同义词




v.1.to give your opinion to someone about the best thing to do in a particular situation; to give people advice, especially as your job2.to tell someone facts or information that they need to know

1.建议 businesses 公司 advises 建议 travel around 到处转转 ...

2.劝告 ... D. rare 稀有的,罕见的 A. advises 劝告 B. suggests 建议 ...

3.通知 ... ARTICLE 25 Case-of-Need 第二十五条 需要时的代理人 ARTICLE 26 Advises 第二十六 …


1.She is let off at the next city and the train company advises her to stay in a certain hotel overnight.她在下一个城市被释怀,而且火车公司劝告她在前一夜留在一间特定的酒店。

2.Ryan advises, "Contact the person who said you'd be getting an offer no more than a few days after you were to receive it. "Ryan建议:”联络告诉你会获得不到几天就能获得工作的那个人“。

3.It used to take three or four days at most. The DMV's website currently advises drivers that it might take anything up to six weeks.邮寄时间在过去通常最多3至5天,但现在车管局在网站发出通知,邮寄时间可能要花上6周。

4.Morgan Stanley now is trying to redefine itself as a firm that advises investors and companies, taking fewer risks on its own balance sheet.摩根士丹利眼下正试图重新为自身定位,将重点转向为投资者和公司提供咨询服务,降低自身资产负债表承受的风险。

5.He advises asking co-workers and managers for letters of appreciation about how great it was to work with you.他建议你可以请同事和领导写一些表扬信,说说和你一起工作有什么好处。

6.He advises two or three patients a month to ask for a new office chair.他每个月会建议两到三名患者向公司要求新的办公椅。

7.The UK Food Standards Agency advises consumers eat at least one portion of oily fish a week.英国食品标准机构建议消费者每周至少要吃一些鱼油。

8.Egan advises tweeting a blog post of yours with one headpne one day and with another a few days later; see which produces more hits.伊冈建议,在Twitter上张贴一篇你的博文的标题,几天后再贴一篇,然后对比哪一篇会产生更多点击。

9.A bank that advises an amendment should inform the bank from which it received the amendment of any notification of acceptance or rejection.通知修改的银行应当通知向其发出修改书的银行任何有关接受或拒绝接受修改的通知。

10.As dementia progresses and syntax and word finding falters, "psten with your ears, eyes and heart, " the Family Caregiver Alpance advises.随着老年痴呆症的进展,语句变得含糊不清,“用你的耳朵,眼睛和心来听,”是“家庭看护者联盟”提供的建议。