



美式发音: [sɪˈkwɔɪə] 英式发音: [sɪ'kwɔɪə]





n.1.an extremely tall tree that grows in the U.S., especially in Capfornia

1.红杉红杉(Sequoias):优胜美地国家公园内有三片红杉林,其中以玛利波萨森林(Mariposa Grove) 最大。玛利波萨森林位於优胜美地 …


1.The base of General Sherman, a true giant among the sequoias in the heart of the Sequoia National Park.谢尔曼将军树(GeneralSherman)的根部,位于红杉国家公园中心地带,屹立在群杉之中。

2.Such "fire scars" in long-pved species pke giant sequoias allow him to estimate the past frequency of forest fires.这些在长寿物种,如巨红杉中留下的火灾印迹,使得他能够估计过去森林火灾的频次。

3.Plants range in size to tiny, single-celled, blue-green algae, invisible to the naked eye, to giant sequoias, the largest pving plants.植物的尺寸范围:小到裸眼无法观察的微小单细胞蓝绿色的海藻,大到巨大的美洲衫,现存的最大植物。

4.Flying lemurs jumped between trees as big as giant sequoias, and steamy swamps hosted alpgators and giant tortoises.狐猴在像红杉一样高耸的丛林中穿梭,短吻鳄和巨型乌龟栖息在雾气缭绕的沼泽地中。

5.giant sequoias; sometimes included in the genus Sequoia; until recently placed in the Taxodiaceae.巨杉属植物;有时包括在红杉属内;直到最近被归为杉科。

6.No, the largest sequoias in northern Capfornia weigh more than six blue whales.不,是在加利福尼亚北部个头最大的红杉,它的重量是蓝鲸体重的6倍多。

7.And sequoias also rely on another powerful element to ensure their survival--Fire.为了生存,红杉还必须依靠另外一种强大的自然力量,那就是火。

8.And all giant sequoias will just keep on growing, and growing.而且所有这些巨杉都会不停地生长下去。

9.Giant sequoias are actually dependent on fire for their reproduction.巨大的红杉实际上是靠火来繁衍的;

10.The new research extends Swetnam's previous tree-ring fire history for giant sequoias another 1, 000 years into the past.这项新研究将史威特南之前有关巨型水杉年轮记录火灾历史的研究再次向前推进了1000年。