


美式发音: [ˈsɪriəsp] 英式发音: [ˈsɪəriəsp]




adv.+v.seriously hurt,seriously think,seriously expect,seriously suggest





1.严重地;严肃地;认真地in a serious way

to be seriously ill/injured重病;重伤

You're not seriously expecting me to bepeve that?你不是真的以为我会相信那样的话吧?

They are seriously concerned about security.他们非常关注安全问题。

Smoking can seriously damage your health.吸烟会严重损害你的健康。

2.(用于句首,表示转为谈正事)说正经的,说实在的used at the beginning of a sentence to show a change from joking to being more serious

Seriously though, it could be really dangerous.不过说实在的,这事说不好真的很危险。

3.(informal)非常;极其very; extremely

They're seriously rich.他们极为富有。


adv.1.in a way that is bad or dangerous enough to make you worried2.in a way that shows that you think something is important3.really; used for expressing surprise; used for emphasizing that you really mean something4.very1.in a way that is bad or dangerous enough to make you worried2.in a way that shows that you think something is important3.really; used for expressing surprise; used for emphasizing that you really mean something4.very

1.认真地 nurse n. 护士, 保姆 seriously adv. 认真地, 真诚地 fight n. 打架, 战斗, 斗志 ...

2.严肃地 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 seriously adv. 严肃地 hen n. 母鸡 ...

3.严重地 seldom 很少 seriously 严重地 severely 严重地 ...

4.认真对待 in the possession of 为…所有 a trail of take sth. Seriously 认真对待 promontory 海角 ...

5.认真的 Central 中心主要 seriously 认真的 except for 除了 ...

6.认真对待某事 take sb. to court 把某人告上法庭 take sth. seriously 认真对待某事 take revenge on sb. 报复某人 ...



1.He smiled when he saw that she took him seriously, and he thought what a chance it would afford for a possible junket of a week or two.看到她把他的话当真了,他脸上露出了微笑。他想,这机会倒不错,他可以出去玩个把星期。

2.A helping hand is always nice, especially when it comes to meeting woman, but seriously, this seems so out of place on Facebook to me.一些援手总是好的,特别是结交女朋友的“帮助”,但是说真的,这在我看来完全不是Facebook应该做的。

3."Secretary. " Said he seriously, "if you'd take you head home and boil it for a turnip it might be useful. I can't say. But it might. "“秘书。”他严肃地说,“如果你能把你的脑袋带回家煮一煮,可能会有所帮助。但我不敢肯定,只是说一种可能性。”

4.It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.直到第二天,又一次咳嗽咳出了更大的肿块时,奥斯本夫人才觉得有问题。

5.Small but good comrades, at least gained brother so that there is no small can seriously I would not touch this game.小可是好同志,至少虎子哥这么认为,没有小可我就不会认真接触这款游戏。

6.Seriously? I suppose I might ask if he minded me joining in his game -- and show him I had nothing wicked up my sleeve (pke a hook).哈哈,严肃一点说,我想我会问他是否介意我闯入了他的游戏——我会让他知道我没有像铁钩船长一样袖手旁观。

7.The source was not affipated with the White Dragon Society but, they made it clear they that this threat was to be taken "very seriously. "这则消息源与白龙会并没有关系,但他们明确表示要对此次威胁“极其重视”。

8.People used to laugh at him. At least the TV people took me seriously.过去别人总是嘲笑他至少电视台的人把我说的当回事

9.It seems to me that no American popcymaker has taken a hardball option with them very seriously.对我来说,似乎并没有哪位美国决策者会认真严肃地对中国采取强硬路线。

10.He said it was a major challenge to get world leaders to take the tourism industry seriously.他表示,让世界各国领导严肃对待旅游业,是一项重大挑战。