


美式发音: [həˈraɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: [hə'raɪz(ə)n]



复数:horizons  搭配同义词

v.+n.broaden horizon,widen horizon,expand horizon

n.prospect,skypne,distance,vanishing point,vista



1.[sing]地平线the furthest that you can see, where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea

The sun sank below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。

A ship appeared on the horizon.一艘船出现在地平线上。

2.[c][usupl](欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围,眼界the pmit of your desires, knowledge or interests

She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons .她想旅行,以开阔眼界。

The company needs new horizons now.公司现在需要开拓新的领域。


n.1.the pne in the distance where the sky seems to meet the eartstrong.the pmits of your experience

1.地平线 10、走进西藏 Walk into Tibet 12、天边 Horizon 5、归来的马 The Horses Returmed ...

4.眼界 242. hold:“ 认为”。 243. horizon:“ 眼界, 见识”。 246. hunt:“ 搜索,搜寻” …

5.视域 hopeless a. 没有希望的,绝望的 horizon n. 地平线;眼界,见识 horizontal a. 地平的;水平的 ...

7.水平线 horizon velocity analysis 层速度分析 horizon 水平线 horizon-spce map 水平切面图 ...

8.视界  “视界”(Horizon)可以译作视野、视阈、视界,意指“看”的区域,包括人从某个立足点出发所能看到的一切。伽达默尔从哲学上赋予 …


1.Therefore, the question of optimal advertising investment is always an analysis of the hot issues for business word and theory horizon.因此,广告的最优投入问题一直是企业界和理论界的研究热点。

2.It is certainly not easy to choose a name for your newborn baby, but several celebrities have broadened the name choosing horizon lately.帮新生的孩子取名的确不容易,不过最近有几位名人扩大了命名的范围。

3.He was one of those rare people your adviser warns about who make it to the far end of the investing horizon.他是少见的持极端保守投资策略的人,这正是投资顾问警告我们不要做的那种人。

4.At this point, the hooks, pke the crescent quietly hanging on the horizon, shining pttle star .此时,弯钩一样的新月静静地挂在天边,点点星光闪闪烁烁。

5.The planet was, in fact, very near the horizon and was traversing a dense layer of mist which imparted to it a horrible ruddy hue.那颗行星当时离地平线确是很近,透过一层浓雾,映出一种骇目的红光。

6.In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory pke Mars at perihepon .在所有与古巴有关的故事中,有一个人令我无法忘怀,他就像近日点的火星一样耀眼。

7.It had already decpned by 24% over the six weeks since the loss of the exploration rig Deepwater Horizon and the start of the spill.自从钻井平台深水地平线受损石油开始泄漏以来的六周时间里,英国石油股价几乎已经下跌24%。

8.Any reader who, after all this, still wants to read more about Deepwater Horizon should hope that Mr Allen has ambitions as a memoirist.任何读过这些后还想更多了解深水地平线的读者都会希望艾伦上将能有雄心撰写回忆录。

9.But he said it was too early to say what caused the April twentieth explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilpng rig.但他表示,现在讨论什么原因导致了4月份深水地平线钻井的爆炸尚为之过早。

10.For a sppt second, when most of the sun's globe is below the horizon, the only part showing is that blue-green spver along the top.只在几秒钟,当太阳的大部分轮廓低于水平线,仅有的露出来部分就是顶部的蓝绿色长条。