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1.Conclusion Adolescent is an important period in pfe, so sex health education is so important and urgent, it must be done inevitably.结论青春期是人生的重要时期,实施性健康教育具有相当的重要性和紧迫性。

2.The new curriculum is expected to increase greater emphasis on building relationships and sex health, the Daily Telegraph said.《每日电讯》报道说,新课程将加大与人相处及性健康方面的内容。

3.Objective To investigate the content and method of female adolescent sex health education.目的深入探讨青春期女性学生性健康教育内容和方法。

4.Objective To know the menstruation situation in female undergraduates and develop sex health education and abnormal menstruation prevention.目的了解广州市女大学生月经状况,为有针对性地开展高校性健康教育及防治月经病提供参考。

5.Conclusion It is important to provide college students with AIDS and sex health education and behavior intervention.结论应加强大学生艾滋病、性健康教育及行为干预工作。

6.RESULTS & CONCLUTION: With the development of the society, sex health has been gradually paid attention to.结果与结论:伴随社会的发展,性健康逐渐引起人们的认识。