


美式发音: [ˈsekstɪŋ] 英式发音: ['sekstɪŋ]





n.1.<slang>the act of sending sexually exppcit messages or images by cell phone or other electronic device

1.性短信 解除好友关系 unfriend v. 发送色情短信 sexting 暴走 go balpstic ...

3.性短讯 ... aha moment 突然明白了一件事 sexting 发暧昧短信 bucket pst 死前想做的事 ...

6.色情短讯不管Snapchat的初衷为何,媒体似乎只买「色情短讯sexting)」这个说法的帐,铺天盖地的报道之后,「Snapchat是一款色 …

7.简讯或照片  随著网路、手机使用越来越普遍,青少年之间互传情色简讯或照片sexting)的问题,近年来引起学者专家与家长们的关注。   …


1."Unfriend" beat out a tech-heavy field that included "netbook, " "hashtag" and "sexting" to take the annual honor.“unfriend”击败网络科技领域“netbook”、“hashtag”、“sexting”等其他词汇,夺得这一年度殊荣。

2.Meanwhile, another middle school principal in Lacey had begun investigating a sexting complaint that morning.与此同时,莱西市另一所中学的校长那天早上开始调查一宗有关发送色情短信的投诉。

3.The prevalence of under-age sexting is unclear and can often depend on the culture of a particular school or circle of students.未成年人发送色情短信的流行程度目前尚不明确,而且可能往往取决于某一特定学校或学生圈子的文化。

4.CLARA: Let me check Appendix F for this year's updated protocol for sexting.克拉拉:让我查一下附录F,看今年有没有为性短信更新的草案。

5.Mr. Peters, the county prosecutor, had been hearing that sexting was becoming a problem in the community.该县副检控官彼得斯先生一直听说发送色情短信正成为该地区的一大社会问题。

6.These days newspapers are filled with tales of Facebook stalkers, Craigspst killers, cyber-bullying, sexting and screen addiction.这些天报纸上充斥着Facebook追踪人、克雷斯凶手、网络暴力、性短讯和屏幕瘾等消息。

7.Yet when the local news media storm cascaded, the outcry was not about the severe penalties for a felony sexting conviction.然而,当当地新闻媒体炒得沸沸扬扬时,人们强烈抗议的呼声不是有关定罪为发送色情短信重罪的这一严厉惩罚。

8.when you hear it then you are not alone in thinking 'sexting' is the most irritating phrase to have entered our lexicon this year.如果你在听到sexting(发性短信)这个词的时候会皱眉,那么你并不孤单,有许多人都认为这个今年刚被收入字典的词汇是最烦人的。

9.Many school districts have banned sexting and now authorize principals to search cellphones.许多学区已禁止学生发送色情短信,现在授权各校校长检查学生手机。

10.Sexting is a result of advances in technology enabpng new forms of social interaction.“性短信”是新的社交模式发展技术不断进步的结果。