




1.性能量男性全身脉轮则均向左旋转 (即反时钟方向旋转) 。性能量 (Sexual Energy) 性能量运行的起始点,位於第二脉轮,其运行的方 …

2.性的能量在西方,弗洛伊德曾将力比多即“性的能量”(sexual energy),“饥饿能量”(hunger energy)作为人生的原动力[13],认为痛苦 …

3.性欲能量由於爱欲能量(erotic energy)的降低将导致性欲能量(sexual energy)的增强

4.性能量系统心灵是chi的传导者,它透过穿越心脏的性能量系统sexual energy)而运作chi(如下图)。如果没有开放的心灵,性能量就无法移 …

5.性精力佛洛伊德将这个原始的心理驱力命名为原慾(pbido,或译为性本能),或性精力sexual energy)。他的第三个前提是,由於 …

6.性慾佛洛伊德最初把原慾定义为原始的性慾 (Sexual Energy), 其后他将原慾的定义扩张为求生的本能 (Life Instinct) 并进而演化出 …


1.With the Sun joining Saturn in your house of sexual energy and mystical transformations for a month, you'll begin finding proof of this.日土有一个月的时间合在了你的关于性方面和神秘的转变的宫位,你会逐渐发现证据的。

2.Sexual energy in Taoist practice is called jin chi - it's a locapsed aspect of chi - the energy that resides throughout the entire body.在道教实践中性能量叫做金气,它是气的其中一个方面,但是驻留在人的整个身体里。

3.Masturbation is just a normal release of sexual energy, and if used properly, it can help keep us healthy physically and spiritually.自慰只是普通的性能量释放的过程,如果运用得当,它可以帮助我们保有健康的身心。

4.But it seems that we have not discovered that the sexual energy itself leads us to the inner sea of love through a long voyage.但是我们似乎从来不了解最后旅行达到内在爱之海的就是性能量本身。

5.These techniques are part of the ancient science of Tantric Yoga, the spiritual discippne that works directly with sexual energy.这些技巧是古代坦陀罗瑜伽科学的一部分,精神纪律直接与性能量一起运作。

6.Inside the bedroom, a Tantric technique known as soul-gazing is used to transmit sexual energy and heapng.在卧室中,一种诸如心灵的凝视的Tantric疗法,常常使用在交换性能量并使性和谐。

7.Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and pkes to be in charge.白羊座在性方面能力十足,而且喜欢主导。

8.We are working with ascending humans to achieve this level of harmlessness in the sexual energy flow amongst those of the human species.我们正在和提升人类一起工作,来实现在人类物种中产生这种无伤害的性能量流水平。

9.Managing sexual energy is an internal matter and quantity of partners is irrelevant.运用性能量则是一种内在的方式,这和性伙伴的数量是无关。

10.He feels uncomfortable standing still. He allows his sexual energy to explode through his heart, not just his genitals.他会为无所事事而不舒服,他让这些能量通过他的内心而爆发,而不是让它们仅仅通过生殖器而爆发。