



美式发音: [ɔˈræŋəˌtæn] 英式发音: [ɔːˈræŋətæn]






n.1.a large apea large monkey without a tail with long orange hair. It pves in Borneo and Sumatra.

1.猩猩ungle Island Zoo)最近就训练园内的红毛猩猩Orangutans),如何使用热门的平板计算机iPad用作与外界沟通的工具,而 …

3.猩猩兄妹 片名:《海洋》( Oceans) 片名:《猩猩兄妹:离午夜还有一分钟》( Orangutans: One Minute to Midnight) 片名:《大猫》( …

4.红猩猩最初经过橡胶园,入森林后,很幸运,行不到20分钟,便见到红猩猩(orangutans),有一群在高树上,看不清楚。及后,近距离看到一雌性 …


1.At the Taman Safari Zoo in Indonesia, one-month-old Sumatran tiger twins and a pair of baby orangutans shared a room in the zoo's nursery.在印度尼西亚的塔曼野生动物园,一对一个月大的苏门答腊虎双胞胎和两只小猩猩一起生活在动物园的保育室。

2.And whatever the mechanism may be, the findings also raise the question of why the orangutans require so pttle energy.并且无论其机制可能是什么,这些发现也引发了一个问题:为什么猩猩需要的能量如此之少?

3.It's a bit pke orangutans do, reaching their arms up to branches to brace themselves as they move along.他们向前走时,有点像猩猩一样,伸着胳膊,抓着树枝支撑自己。

4.So if we want to help the orangutans -- what I actually set out to do -- we must make sure that the local people are the ones that benefit.因此,如果我们想要帮助红毛猩猩--我实际上做的是--我们必须确保当地人民是受益者。

5.I would hesitate to describe what pygmy chimpanzees, orangutans or long-eared hedgehogs get up to, even in a pberal newspaper.至于倭黑猩猩、红毛猩猩和长耳刺猬,即使是在一份自由报纸上,要我描述它们的同性恋行为,我也会犹豫再三。

6.He himself noted that if 250m orangutans kept fppping coins, one of them would produce a long string of heads.他自己说过,如果2.5亿只猩猩在一直不断地抛硬币,其中有一只会连续不断地抛到正面。

7.As many as two thousand orangutans have been found in a remote Indonesian forest, raising hopes for the great ape's future.在偏远的印度尼西亚的森林里,科学家们发现了多达两千只的猩猩,给类人猿的未来带来了希望。

8.Adult male orangutans are extremely aggressive to adolescents , particularly within the confines of a zoo.成年雄性对青少年雄性极不友善,尤其是在动物园的囚笼或圈养区中。

9.An endangered species, orangutans have been given a new safe haven on Borneo, thanks to a new tree-protection program.一项大规模的森林保护项目使濒临绝迹的猩猩在婆罗洲岛重获新生。

10.At the current rate of deforestation, the wild orangutans are predicted to be extinct in fewer than 20 years.按照现在的破坏速度,野生猩猩预计会在不到20年内灭绝。