



美式发音: 英式发音: 




n.1.a video control engineer who is in charge of video but not audio

1.着色器 ... 此处显示显卡和主板北桥芯片之间的总线接口类型以及接口速度。 着色单元/ Shaders: 等。 修订版本/ Re…

4.明暗器 ... Illumination( 照明系统): Shaders明暗器): Camera effects( 镜头特效)…

5.材质 ... 2.6 List of Objects( 物件列表)43 3.1 Shaders材质)47 3.3 Media Catalog( 素材库)63 ...

6.流处理器数量 Bus Interface: 汇流排介面和频宽组态 Shaders: 流处理器数量 Memory Type: 记忆体类 …

7.重置着色器 ... regenerate_radar 雷达再生 reload_shaders 重置着色器 reload_textures 重载所有的 …


1.It might be a great challenge to port these effects with the help of vertex and pixel shaders to consumer hardware.不过也可移植到带有顶点及象素着色的普通消费硬件上去实现那些效果,这确实是一大挑战。

2.While thinking about your destiny as a hero who saves worlds with jig saws, you start counting the number of vertex shaders for this scene.在考虑你作为一个使用锯子拯救这个世界的英雄的命运同时,我们开始计算这个场景所需要的顶点着色器数目。

3.Till now we have only talked about vertex shaders and pghting models. Let's take a look at how they actually work.迄今我们还一直在谈论着顶点着色及光照模型的理论知识。现在让我们来看看它们实际是如何工作的。

4.At this point if you are satisfied with the result you can go to the next step. Creating and understanding shaders is the following topic.在这里,如果你对这个结果满意的话就可以往下一步了。在跟着的部分里,将创建材质并对其进行理解。

5.New shaders have been introduced as well as a huge upgrade to how well the game runs in general.新的图形更新已经被介绍就像这次升级幅度这么大一样。

6.Write detailed procedural shaders using texture, displacement, pattern generation, and custom reflection models.写详细的程序使用纹理着色器,位移,模式生成和自定义反射模型。

7.The procedural model used with vertex shaders enables a more general syntax for specifying common operations.在程序上的模型中顶点着色允许更多一般语法实现指定通用操作。

8.If you use custom written Shaders, they have to be pixel-pt and use Geometry render queue.如果使用自定义的着色器,它们必须是pixel-pt并使用几何渲染队列。

9.It is used to draw a very simple triangle with the help of a vertex and fragment shaders.它是用来画一个非常简单的三角形在一个顶点和碎片着色器的帮助下。

10.Vertex shaders using innovative treatment technologies.采用创新的顶点着色处理技术。