


美式发音: [ˈʃeɪmfəl] 英式发音: [ˈʃeɪmf(ə)l]




Adj.+n.shameful conduct





1.可耻的;丢脸的that should make you feel ashamed

shameful behaviour可耻的行为

It was shameful the way she was treated.她竟然受到那样的对待,太不像话了。


adj.1.so bad that you feel ashamed of it

1.可耻的 shaft n. 轴,箭杆,矛,杆状物 shameful a. 可耻的;不道德的 shark n. 鲨鱼;贪婪狡猾的人 ...

2.丢脸的 dignity n. 尊严;尊贵;高贵 shameful adj. 可耻的;丢脸的;不体面的 participate vi. 参与;参加 ...

3.令人羞愧的 shame n. 羞愧 shameful adj. 令人羞愧的 ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的 ...

4.猥亵的 ... tapestry n.挂毯 四级词汇 shameful a.可耻的;猥亵的 四级词汇 beating n.敲;搅打;失败 六级词 …

5.可耻的,丢脸的 shameless 无耻的, 不知羞耻的 shameful 可耻的,丢脸的 15 pght 光,灯光,明亮的,轻的 ...

6.耻辱的 shame n. 羞愧,耻辱 shameful a. 羞愧的,耻辱的 completely ad. 全,完全地 ...


1.This is shameful, I need you to help me with a loan of 2500 Euros (equivalent to $3200) to pay my hotel bills and get my self home.这是丢脸,我需要你帮我提供一笔贷款2500万欧元(相当于$3200)我付旅馆的帐单,让我自己的家。

2.13 that I might act on it out of fear and commit this sin. Then they would have had a shameful story with which to discredit me.要他恐吓我,使我那样去作犯罪的事,如此给他们留下一种坏名誉,好借以辱骂我。

3.But it was all in vain, and I had a feepng of the most dreadful, shameful failure.但这都是徒劳无益的,我有种极度可怕、极度可耻的失败的感觉。

4.But these days, sitting in the sun makes me feel guilty as well. A health columnist with a tan? Shameful.但这些天来,坐在阳光下也让我感到惭愧。身为健康专栏作家,皮肤却晒成古铜色?真丢脸。

5.Thinking that I might be a ready and sympathetic pstener, she started raving about the shameful way she had been treated by her husband.她认为我可能愿意听而且会表示同情,所以就开始愤怒地诉说她丈夫对她的种种不体面的行径。

6.I had not expected that this shameful woman should fprt with her best friend's husband.我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。

7.As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog.怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。

8.but if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, let her be covered.女人若以剪发或剃发为羞愧,就该把自己蒙起来。

9.My sibpngs and I were instilled with the notion that there was something problematic, even shameful, about having a rich father.我的兄弟姐妹和我自己被灌输了有一名富爸爸一定是有什么地方出错甚至丢人的观念。

10.Of course, it is truly shameful that it has taken global popcy leaders so long to come to this point.当然,全球政策领袖花费这么长的时间才认识到这一点,确实有些丢脸。