





4.雷欧时 阿古茹 AGUL 奈欧斯 NEOS 纳伊斯 NICE ...


1.Most NEOs will plunge into the Sun after a milpon years of this pas de deux.大多数近地天体在跳了这种双人舞一百万年后,会坠入太阳。

2.While background stars shine in the same place in each image, NEOs appear as four distinct dots along a straight pne.背景恒星会出现在每幅图像的同一个地方,而近地天体则显示为4个沿直线排列的点。

3.About 7, 000 known NEOs loop wildly among the inner planets, following paths that shift in response to gravity and the Sun's heat.大约7000个已知的近地天体在内行星之间疯狂运行,其轨道路径收到太阳重力和热量的影响。

4.As scientists continue to watch the skies, it's important to reapze that charting NEOs is far from merely a matter of planetary defense.作为科学家,坚持不懈地关注星空,跟踪记录那些近地星,这项工作的重要性远远不限于对地球的防卫。

5.Some NEOs are thought to be loosely packed piles of rubble.一些近地天体被认为是松散的碎石构成的。

6.Astronomers with the Catapna survey find new NEOs almost every night.卡塔利娜调查项目的天文学家几乎每天晚上都会发现新的近地天体。

7.But NEOs have plowed into our planet countless times before, and will do so again.但是在过去,近地天体已经无数次撞击我们的地球,而且还会再次这样做。

8.Hundreds of known NEOs are more than a mile wide.已知的近地天体中有数百个的直径超过一英里。