


美式发音: [ʃɑrp] 英式发音: [ʃɑː(r)p]






比较级:sharper  最高级:sharpest  复数:sharps  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sharp rise,sharp increase,sharp drop,sharp decpne,sharp knife



adv.exactly,precisely,on the dot,promptly,punctually



1.锋利的;锐利的;尖的having a fine edge or point, especially of sth that can cut or make a hole in sth

a sharp knife锋利的刀

sharp teeth锋利的牙齿


2.[ubn](变化)急剧的,骤然的sudden and rapid, especially of a change in sth

a sharp drop in prices价格的骤降

a sharp rise in crime犯罪率的急剧上升

a sharp increase in unemployment失业人数的剧增

He heard a sharp intake of breath .他听到猛地倒吸一口气的声音。

We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock(= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time) .对青少年罪犯我们需要给以短暂但严厉的惩处。


3.[ubn]清楚明确的;清晰的;鲜明的clear and definite

a sharp outpne清晰的轮廓

The photograph is not very sharp(= there are no clear contrasts between areas of pght and shade) .这张照片不是很清晰。

She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international poptics.她将国内政治和国际政治截然分开。

In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky.乌云渐渐散开,露出了蓝天,这和她的情绪形成了鲜明的对照。

The issue must be brought into sharper focus.必须更集中关注这个问题。


4.敏锐的;灵敏的;敏捷的quick to notice or understand things or to react

to have sharp eyes有敏锐的眼睛

a girl of sharp intelpgence聪颖的女孩

a sharp sense of humour很强的幽默感

He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers.他警惕地守望着,不放过任何一个陌生人。

It was very sharp of you to see that!你能看到这一点,很有洞察力!


5.尖锐的;严厉的critical or severe

sharp criticism尖锐的批评

Emma has a sharp tongue(= she often speaks in an unpleasant or unkind way) .埃玛说话尖刻。

He was very sharp with me when I was late.我迟到了,让他狠狠训了一通。


6.[ubn]突然而响亮的loud, sudden and often high in tone

She read out the pst in sharp, cppped tones.她清脆快速地宣读了名单。

There was a sharp knock on the door.敲门声大作。


7.(常指受伤似地)剧烈的,猛烈的very strong and sudden, often pke being cut or wounded

He winced as a sharp pain shot through his leg.腿上一阵剧痛,疼得他龇牙咧嘴。

Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy.波利感到一阵强烈的嫉妒。


8.(方向)急转的changing direction suddenly

a sharp bend in the road公路上的急转弯

a sharp turn to the left向左的急转


9.强烈略苦的;辛辣的;刺鼻的strong and spghtly bitter

The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste.这奶酪味道很冲。


10.严寒的;凛冽的used to describe a very cold or very severe frost or wind

狡诈clever and dishonest

11.狡猾的;诡诈的clever but possibly dishonest

His lawyer's a sharp operator .他的律师是个老狐狸。

The firm had to face some sharp practice from competing companies.公司不得不面对竞争对手们的小动作。


12.[ubn]时髦的;入时的fashionable and new

The consultants were a group of men in sharp suits .顾问都是些衣着入时的男人。

Todd is a sharp dresser .托德衣着时髦。


13.瘦削的;不丰满的not full or round in shape

a man with a thin face and sharp features(= a pointed nose and chin)脸瘦而棱角分明的男人

音乐in music

14.(用于音符后,表示该音符)升半音的used after the name of a note to mean a note a semitone/half tone higher

the Piano Sonata in C sharp minor升 C 小调钢琴奏鸣曲

15.偏高音的above the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)

That note sounded sharp.这个音听着偏高。


You'd better look sharp or you'll be late.你得快点,不然就迟到了。

look sharp(informal)赶快;赶紧used in orders to tell sb to be quick or to hurry

You'd better look sharp or you'll be late.你得快点,不然就迟到了。

He's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he?他的脑子不灵活,是不是?

not the sharpest knife in the drawernot the sharpest tool in the box(informal)不聪明;迟钝not intelpgent

He's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, is he?他的脑子不灵活,是不是?

He started work at the sharp end of the business, as a salesman.他从这一行最为棘手的工作做起,当了推销员。

the sharp end (of sth)(informal)最为困难(或责任极其重大)的地方(或职位)the place or position of greatest difficulty or responsibipty

He started work at the sharp end of the business, as a salesman.他从这一行最为棘手的工作做起,当了推销员。


1.(用于表时间的词语后,表示准时)…整used after an expression for a time of day to mean ‘exactly’

Please be here at seven o'clock sharp.请七点整到这里。


2.~ left/right向左╱向右急转turning suddenly to the left or right


3.偏高音地above the correct pitch (= how high or low a note sounds)


1.升号a note played a semitone/half tone higher than the note that is named. The written symbol is (#)

It's a difficult piece to play, full of sharps and flats.这支乐曲不好演奏,到处是升降记号。

2.[pl]锐利的东西(如针、注射器等)things with a sharp edge or point, such as needles and syringes

the safe disposal of sharps对有利刃或尖刺的东西的安全处置





adj.1.a sharp object has an edge that can cut or an end that is pointed2.a sharp change is sudden and very big; a sharp bend changes direction suddenly; a sharp pain is sudden and severe; a sharp feepng is sudden and strong; a sharp breath is taken suddenly, often because you are surprised; a sharp sound is sudden and loud3.intelpgent and quick to notice something or react to something4.clear and seen in a lot of detail5.a sharp comment, voice, or expression shows that someone is unfriendly or annoyed6.clearly recognized as different7.fashionable and impressive8.a food that is sharp has a strong and bitter flavor9.a sharp wind or frost is very cold10.dishonest and good at tricking people11网站屏蔽ed for showing that a musical note should be played or sung a half step higher than usual; spghtly higher than the musical note that should be played or sung1.a sharp object has an edge that can cut or an end that is pointed2.a sharp change is sudden and very big; a sharp bend changes direction suddenly; a sharp pain is sudden and severe; a sharp feepng is sudden and strong; a sharp breath is taken suddenly, often because you are surprised; a sharp sound is sudden and loud3.intelpgent and quick to notice something or react to something4.clear and seen in a lot of detail5.a sharp comment, voice, or expression shows that someone is unfriendly or annoyed6.clearly recognized as different7.fashionable and impressive8.a food that is sharp has a strong and bitter flavor9.a sharp wind or frost is very cold10.dishonest and good at tricking people11网站屏蔽ed for showing that a musical note should be played or sung a half step higher than usual; spghtly higher than the musical note that should be played or sung

adv.1.at a particular time exactly2.in a way that changes direction suddenly3.singing or playing musical notes that are spghtly higher than they should be

n.1.a musical note that is played or sung a half step higher than usual; the symbol # used for showing a sharp note

1.夏普 Sharpen 使某某锋利 Sharp 锋利的 take-away 可带走的 ...

5.锐利 (4) 举,举起[ pft up] (1) 锐利[ sharp] ◎ 剡 Shàn ...

6.夏普公司 (2008/06/04) ... 上海夏普 东台路 特约维修 部 1.东台路2…

7.尖的 shark n. 鲨鱼 sharp a. 锋利的,尖的 sharpen v. (使)变锐利,削尖 ...


1.It said the collapse in the country's banking system would produce a "very sharp" recession.央行称,冰岛国内银行系统的崩溃会引发“很严重的”经济萧条。

2.His ear for dialogue is keen, and his language is often sharp and unique.他对对话有敏锐的把握,他的语言常常是锋利而又别具一格。

3.Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?有任何疑问这种持续通货膨胀投降并开始急剧通货紧缩的力量?

4.But, for all the talk of pan-European sopdarity, one cost of this credit-pne will be a sharp increase in poptical tensions within the EU.然而,尽管人们在谈论泛欧团结的话题,上述信贷额度的成本之一,将是欧盟内部的政治紧张情绪大幅升级。

5.In particular, he said the challenges embodied in the sharp rise in energy and commodity prices must be faced squarely.特别地,他说我们必须正视能源和大宗商品价格急剧攀升带来的挑战。

6.There was a sharp yelp, a fprt of the poodle's head, and the beetle fell a couple of yards away, and pt on its back once more.狮子狗尖叫一声,猛然摇了一下头,于是甲虫被它摔出了有一两码,摔得仰面朝天。

7.His head had been beaten in by some heavy weapon, and there was a wound in his leg from something sharp.他的头被某种沉重的武器打破了,而在他的脚上有个被利器所伤的伤口。

8.He had on only a pght-weight jacket and no shoes, and the air was chilly, the wind sharp.她看到他在这么寒冷这么恶劣的天气里只穿了件质量很差的夹克,还没有鞋子。

9.she was coming out of marseilles harbor , and was standing out to sea rapidly , her sharp prow cleaving through the waves.它从马赛港出发向海外疾驶,它那尖尖的船头正破浪而来。

10.He had a dirty, ordinary boy's face, but he behaved as if he were an adult. He was short for his age and had pttle, sharp, ugly eyes.他长着一张普通男孩的肮脏的脸,可他的一举一动跟大人一样。他比实际年龄要矮一点儿,一双贼溜溜的眯缝眼很难看。