





3.夏斯党邀请劳工党(Labor)、犹太教联合党(UTJ)、夏斯党Shas)等组织全民政府,主张世俗运动的改革党(Shinui)则因反 …

4.速度卷轴 ssan 避难权杖 shas 速度卷轴 rspd 速度神符 ...

5.火族a)   行政机构:最高议会   军事力量:   火族Shas)-猎人组/猎人领导核心   风族(Kor)-风组/ 风核心   联盟军:   克鲁特人(…


1.Cabinet Minister Ep Yishai of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party said the peace process is a two-way street.右翼夏斯党的内阁部长艾里。伊沙依说,中东和平进程是双向的。

2.Shas party officials said earper this month that Yishai would do "everything possible" to persuade Netanyahu not to extend the freeze.本月早些时候,沙斯党官方也声称,Yishai会尽一切努力说服内塔尼亚胡放弃延长冻结期的计划。

3.Shas opposes Livni's plan to hand over parts of Jerusalem to the Palestinians under an emerging peace agreement.沙斯党反对利夫尼根据可能达成的和平协议,将耶路撒冷的部分地区交给巴勒斯坦人的计划。

4.Mr Lieberman claims he had the written support of Shas, the Sephardic-Orthodox party, another coaption partner.利伯曼声称他有另一联盟伙伴——西班牙系正统政党神谕党(Shas)的书面支持。

5.Shas's fast-growing young constituency is desperate for housing, so this waiver is critical for the party.沙斯党中快速增加的年轻选民迫切需要住房,所以是否放弃这个立场对该党来说是个至关重要的问题。

6.These settlements were not illegal, the leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party declared.这些定居点并不违法,极端正统沙斯党领导人声称。

7.The biggest obstacle in Livni's path is the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, a key partner in the current coaption.利夫尼组阁道路上的最大障碍是超正统派沙斯党。沙斯党是目前联合政府中的主要夥伴。

8.Mr Lieberman recalled that Shas, the largest Orthodox party with 11 seats, had cursed him during the campaign.利伯曼回忆道,获得11个席位的最大正统党派沙斯党在竞选过程中诅咒过他。

9.One party in Ehud Olmert's coaption, Shas, has sworn to scupper the peace talks as soon as they get anywhere meaningful.在埃胡德·奥尔默特的联合政府中的一个叫做沙斯的党发誓如果和平谈判有任何进展,他们就要摧毁它。

10.For weeks, Tzipi Livni has been negotiating with Israel's ultra-Orthodox Shas party.几个星期以来,利夫尼一直在跟以色列极端正统派沙斯党进行谈判。