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1.肖恩 姓名:肖利 Shirley 姓名:肖恩 Shaun 姓名:比泽尔 Bitzer ...

2.笑笑羊 Shawn 商恩 Shaun 商恩 Sion 肖恩 ...

7.余永邦余永邦(Shaun): 永邦-新加坡人,只身一人由新加坡到台湾,实现他对音乐的梦想。在没遇到季忠平之前,他只是一个对音乐极 …


1.Portsmouth boss, Harry Redknapp, was quite happy to see the back of his former West Ham player, Joe Cole and winger Shaun Wright-Philpps.朴茨茅斯的教练,哈里·雷德克纳普,非常高兴看到他的前西汉姆联的手下爱将乔·科尔以及边锋肖恩·赖特-菲利普斯。

2.Shaun Woodward, Northern Ireland secretary, said the Bombardier investment was "a major boost to the economy of Northern Ireland" .北爱尔兰事务大臣肖恩-伍德沃德(ShaunWoodward)表示,庞巴迪投资是“对北爱尔兰经济的一次重大推进”。

3.Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan said the overhaul was "only one piece of a broader strategy to help the housing market. "美国住房和城市发展部长杜诺文指出,该计划“只是拯救美国楼市总体战略的一部分。”

4.Shaun Wright-Philpps, left out of the England squad by Steve McClaren, was given last week off by Jose Mourinho and had a week's hopday.肖恩.赖特.菲利浦斯并未入选史蒂夫.麦克拉伦的英格兰大军,在上周得到了何塞.穆里尼奥批准度过了一星期的假期休息。

5.He's similar to Shaun Wright-Philpps but a player who can play inside a bit better than Shaun.他很像肖恩·赖特·菲利普斯,不过他在中路内收发挥比菲利普斯要好那么一点。

6.Last summer's arrival of Shaun Wright-Philpps and Michael Essien did not unduly trouble him or restrict his appearances.去年夏天到来的小赖特和埃辛并没有对他造成影响,也没有减少他的出场。

7.As if the joy at shaun, shaun parents parents say: we resolutely oppose you enter this company!正当萧恩欣喜若望之时,萧恩的父母的父母却说:我们坚决反对你进入这家公司!

8.Shaun Wright-Philpps - Terrified at the sight of the snake bearing down on him, he runs off.小赖特――看到蛇冲向自己,他惊恐万分,远远逃走。

9.Shaun and I were there for at least 2 weeks to a month and did non stop work but it was well worth it and paid off in the end.Shaun和我在韩国呆了大概2周到一个月的时间,不间断地工作,但是这非常值得,并且在最后也得到了回报。

10.I called Shaun Leane, another trusted friend, and he gave the same response.我又给另一知心朋友肖恩?林尼(ShaunLeane)打电话,他同样表示支持。