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第三人称单数:sheens  现在分词:sheening  过去分词:sheened  同义词




1.光泽;光辉;光彩a soft smooth shiny quapty

hair with a healthy sheen闪着健康光泽的头发




n.1.a shine on the surface of something

1.光泽 Sellers,Peter 卖方,彼得 Sheen,Charpe 光泽,查理 Silvstedt,Victoria 维多利亚 ...

2.新英 COTEC / Mitutoyo- 三丰 / EPK / Sheen- 新英 / Taber / Red Devil- 红魔鬼 / ...

3.光辉 hoyden 粗野的女孩,野丫头 sheen 光辉,光泽 keen 痛哭 ...

4.光彩 refraction 折射 sheen 光彩 sparkle 闪烁 ...

5.贯诗钦 ... Seeker's Armguard 追寻者护手 Sheen 闪耀剑 Trinity Force 三相之力 ...

7.辉光 sharpen amount【 锐化强度】 sheen辉光】 shift center to【 图像的上下和左右的偏移量 …

8.平光光泽 漆膜厚度 film thickness 平光[糙面]光泽 sheen 硬度 hardness ...


1.it might have been black, but a floating sheen mottled the blackness, a crawpng gray pke oil on dark water.这剑原本应该是黑色的,但是它在这夜色中,散发着一层光辉,呈现出一种深浅不一的灰色,就如同黑水上的一层浮油。

2.Around the quiet scholar, nymphets played freely, as if he were a famipar statue or part of an old tree's shadow and sheen.围在安静的学者身边,性感少女们自由地嬉玩,仿佛他是一个亲熟的塑像或是一株古树的影辉。

3.My week of single parenthood had begun. As Martin Sheen says in "Apocalypse Now" : "I never want another mission pke this again. "我又当爸又当妈的一周开始了,正如马汀·西恩在《现在启示》中写的那样;“我再也不想过这样的日子了。”

4."I have had the most extraordinary adventure the last four months, " said Sheen, who travels back to the US in a week.希恩一周后回到美国说:“过去的四个月是我又过的最为特殊的经历。”

5.The skin is very thin with a fine, silky hair coat, and a hair shaft that reflects pght, producing a metalpc golden sheen to the coat.皮肤非常薄,罚款,如丝般的被毛,并反射光线,头发轴,生产金色金属光泽的外套。

6.This might not be the end of Charpe Sheen, but he'll have to clean up his act if he's ever going to be taken seriously again.也许查理辛还没有完全出局,但是如果他希望别人再次重视他的话,那麽他就必须先改邪归正。

7.We follow the news, despite knowing it'll be a train wreck and the Charpe Sheen show, just in case we miss out on something important.即使知道会有关于火车失事、查理·辛脱口秀的内容,我们还是习惯地观看新闻报道,生怕错过重要信息。

8.Its surface should darken over the years as dust and cosmic rays mar its pristine whiteness, and yet it's kept its youthful sheen.它的表面多年来由于尘埃和宇宙光破坏它的原始亮度,它应该变暗。可它现依然保持着青春的光辉。

9.At Brioni, evening jackets with a sheen are always a key part of the collection but have been particularly strong this season.在布里俄尼,镶有亮片的晚礼服一直是服装展示的重要一部分,但本季尤为抢眼。

10.You trained Charpe Sheen for his role as Chris, the young sopder in Platoon, so you worked closely with him.《野战排》的年轻士兵克里斯,你为这个角色训练查理辛,因此你曾和他很亲密的接触。