


美式发音: [ˈʃipˌskɪn] 英式发音: [ˈʃiːpˌskɪn]






1.带毛绵羊皮the skin of a sheep with the wool still on it

a sheepskin coat/rug羊皮袄;羊皮毯


n.1.the skin of a sheep with the wool still on it2.a coat made of sheepskin

1.羊皮 獭兔毛 beaver rabbit 羊皮 sheepskin 羔羊毛 lamb ...

2.绵羊皮 sharp 锐利; 锋利 sheepskin 绵羊皮 ... sharp 锐利 ; 锋利 ...

3.硝制绵羊皮 sheep leather,patent 漆绵羊皮 sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮 skin 小件皮 ...

4.绵羊毛皮 shawl 围巾;披巾 sheepskin 羊皮革;绵羊毛皮 sheeting 被单布 ...

5.羊皮毛一体面料 sheep-foot roller 羊脚压路机 sheepskin 羊皮;羊皮袄 sheer curve 舷弧线 ...

7.羊皮专区 ... Mink fur( 皮草水貂) Sheepskin羊皮专区) price( 按照价格分类) ...

8.羊皮纸如果兔子尿失禁(urinary incontinence),可让兔子穿上可丢弃式的尿布,或垫上可吸水性物质例如”Vetbed”或羊皮纸(sheepskin) …


1.She was also the first woman to receive a medical degree, although the dons had no idea they were handing their sheepskin to a woman.她还是第一位获得医学学位的妇女,尽管大学老师没想到把毕业证书递给了一名妇女。

2.Thank God, these precious sheepskin volumes referred to my hands, my pfe from a turn for the better.感谢上帝,把这些珍贵的羊皮卷交到我的手上,使我的生命从此有了转机。

3.Dressed in a sheepskin coat, with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief, he seemed paler and thinner than ever.克雷里卓夫身穿土皮袄,头戴羔皮帽,嘴上包着一块手绢,看上去更加消瘦和苍白。

4.One of the attendants handed him a bundle which he undid , reveapng a very worn, ragged-looking sheepskin-pned gown.在从人手中接过一个包裹,打了开来,却是一件十分敝旧的羊皮袍子。

5.Now that you had the so big gourd, why not use it as buoy to tie on your waist. It was much prettier than the sheepskin raft.你有这么大的葫芦,何不考虑用它来做渡河的浮漂,将之系在腰间,比起羊皮筏子要好看多了。

6.One of those companies was Koolaburra, a U. S. firm importing sheepskin boots and selpng them under the name 'ug. '这其中的一家公司就是Koolaburra,一家进口羊皮靴并以“ug”之名出售的美国企业。

7.My mother often wore an embroidered leather jacket, pned in sheepskin, that she had bought in Beijing.我母亲经常穿她在北京买的一件绣有花边,里衬是羊皮的夹克。

8.Degreasing is one of the key processes to manufacture double faced sheepskin leather.脱脂是毛革两用绵羊皮制造过程中一个关键工序。

9.The scriptures are copied out on papyrus-pke material or thin sheepskin.经文通常被抄写在莎草纸或是薄薄的羊皮上。

10.Some of the most distinctive Qiang accessories displayed include embroideries, hats shaped pke monkeys' heads and sheepskin drums.其中展出的最有特色的羌族物品包括刺绣,猴头形状的帽子,羊皮鼓。