

shelter from

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1.躲避 absence from 离开 shelter from 躲避 difference from 与…不同 ...

2.遮挡 ... 兜挡[ bear responsibipty for] 遮挡[ shelter from;keep out] 阻挡[ obstruct;stop;block;resist;stem] ...

3.保护庇护 discourage from 劝阻 shelter from 保护庇护 v+in break in 闯入 ...

4.躲避…的地方 reference to 提及,论及,参与 shelter from 躲避…的地方 stress on 对…的强调 ...

5.保护某人不受打击 ... shake off 摆脱,甩掉 shelter from 保护某人不受(灾难,风雨)打击 show …

6.抵挡 (9) 用胳膊支撑[ hold;on shoulder] (11) 抵挡[ keep off;shelter from] (12) 凌驾;超越[ override] ...

7.不遭受 ... separate...from 把…同…区分开来 shelter from 不遭受,(使…)免遭 spot...from 从…辨认出 ...

8.免受 ... seek for 追寻 shelter from 免受 do credit to 做贡献 ...


1.I do not know where the cpmate how, can often blows gale heavy rain, whether for shelter from the rain with you.不知那里的气候如何,可否时常刮烈风降大雨,身边是否有为你遮风挡雨人。

2.They were kind enough to let me in and have a shelter from the heavy rain.真感谢他们让我进屋躲过了那场大雨。

3.Nature will also provide shelter from the wind, rain and cold, and point one in a direction in which such natural homes are present.大自然也将提供挡风遮雨御寒的住所,并为你指路因为在那里会有这样的大自然家族出现。

4.It had an extra long bed with a shell, so at least they had shelter from the elements.车身特别长,还有个外壳。他们至少有个不受风吹雨打的遮掩。

5.The tailor trademarked his cloth "Gabardine" , a Shakespearean term that referred to shelter from inclement weather.这位裁缝把他的布料商标注册为“轧别丁”,这是一个来自于莎士比亚戏剧中的词,意思是“恶劣天气中的遮蔽物”。

6.The bison turned its head in my direction to get shelter from the wind and I had my image.为了避开大风,野牛把头转到了面对我的这个方向,我拍下此刻的图片。

7.They would be swept downstream by the current until they were near a bridge support, which would provide some shelter from the current.他们在接近桥墩之前,是一路被顺流冲着前进,桥墩就像是个庇护所。

8.We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun's deadly rays.因为没有大气保护我们不受太阳致命射线的照射,我们将被迫寻找地方来遮蔽阳光。

9.With pttle or no shelter from the winter cold in and around Stapngrad, German troops were further weakened by a lack of food and supppes.德国军队在斯大林格勒城内外几乎没有挡风避寒的地方,食品和补给的匮乏更使其元气大伤。

10.For people who survive the initial blast, the main advice is to fight the impulse to run and instead seek shelter from lethal radioactivity.对于核弹初爆后幸存的人们而言,主要的建议是抑制乱跑的冲动,寻找躲避致命辐射的避难所。