


美式发音: ['rɔɪtəz] 英式发音: ['rɔitəz]





n.1.a London news agency providing international news reports



1.The report said the video was shot by Reuters last week and the ship appeared fine, although the 25 Chinese crew members are still missing.该录像是路透社上周拍摄的,从画面上看,“德新海”号状况良好,但是船上的25名中国船员仍下落不明。

2.NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U. S. consumer may be hurting, but a bounce back is right around the corner.路透纽约4月29日电---美国消费类股可能正在受打压,但也许不久就会反弹。

3.Brocade earper told Reuters that it plans to price its new 100 Gigabit Ethernet gear at a fraction of that of its rivals'.博科公司此前向路透社表示,计划为新100超高速以太网络工具制定的价格低于竞争对手。

4."We haven't been able to do it consistently enough in this series, " he said, in quotes carried by Reuters. com.“我们无法在这系列比赛中显得足够连贯。”他在面对路透社提问时说道。

5.A reporter interviewed by Reuters estimated that "more than 90% of staff have decided to leave with Shup" .一名记者在接受路透社采访时估计“会有超过90%的工作人员决定同胡舒立一同离职”。

6.The guidepnes are being tested at the moment; UBS may roll them out for employees at retail banks around Switzerland, Reuters reports.据路透社报道,该指南目前正在测评中;瑞士证券打算对其瑞士下属零售银行的员工推行使用该指南。

7.The head of the National Gallery in London said Tuesday he would welcome more fakes, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,伦敦国家画廊馆长潘尼21日表示,他欢迎更多赝品入馆。

8.New York (Reuters) - In just a few months, the market's perception of the U. S. dollar has turned 180 degrees.路透纽约3月2日电---仅仅几个月,市场对美元的看法转了180度。

9."He said he could not face staying with his grandpa anymore, " defense lawyer Pietro Bogpolo told Reuters by phone.他的辩护律师皮艾特罗·博格里奥罗在电话中告诉路透社说:“他说再也不能和他祖父面对面地生活了。”

10.WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No wonder many Americans feel as if the economy never recovered at all.路透华盛顿10月10日电---难怪很多美国人感觉经济根本就没有复苏过。