




1.嘘 Lyde,please don't.|莱蒂,请别这样 Shhh| I'm so sorry.I'm sorry.|我真难过,对不起 ...

2.听觉障碍自助服务大会 Roaring or Yawning 咆哮或打呵欠 ... Shhh 请小声一点 ... Filled 满 ... ...

4.黑色绸缎眼罩 Foxy Toyfriends (小精灵) Shhh 黑色绸缎眼罩 Little Chroma 小瓶 ...

5.嘘声 ... take a shot: 投球 shhh: 【嘘声】 keel over: 倾覆,跌倒 ...


1.buthe shakes his head and puts his finger to his pps, Shhh, don't tell, Clare.但我看见他摇着头,并把手指放在他的嘴唇上,示意我不要说出来。

2.Adriana: Shhh, I'm trying to psten to the radio.阿德里亚纳:嘘,我在听收音机。

3.Mom: Shhh, don't be so loud, today's the weekend, let him sleep in a pttle.妈妈:嘘,你别吵,今天是周末,让他多睡一会儿吧。

4.Shhh, if you psten quietly enough you might even hear the gentle waves of the dead pool lapping up along the shores of sorrow.嘘,如果你侧耳倾听,或许还能听到郁闷的海岸边,波澜不惊的死水正在轻轻拍岸。

5.Shhh. I am trying to think here.嘶.我在这试着思考。

6."Shhh, " I said. "Listen. "“嘘,”我说,“听这个。”

7.And even when people do address their hearing loss in a productive manner, the vast majority are not involved in organizations pke SHHH.即使人们确实在很多方面为解决听力损失以及听力损失带来的一系列问题而努力,许许多多的人还是没有积极地参加到SHHH这样的组织当中。

8.Shhh! I'm going to bid on the next lot. Where is the paddle?嘘!我准备竞买下一个拍品。竞买号牌去哪呢?

9.Rocky: No, I can't. Listen, shhh. Did you hear that? That's the open road calpng my name, and I was born to answer that call. Bye!罗基:不,不行。瞧,嘘……你们听到了吗?大路在呼喊我的名字,我天生要响应那声呼唤。再见!

10."SHHH. . . " Jack press with finger to the pps, Lucy, Ruth quiet don't hold your breath submissive.“嘘……”杰克用手指按了一下嘴唇,表示要露丝安静别出声,露丝顺从地屏住了呼吸。