



美式发音: [ʃild] 英式发音: [ʃiːld]




复数:shields  现在分词:shielding  过去式:shielded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal shield








n.1.an object that soldiers carried in the past to protect themselves from being hit; a riot shield that popce officers carry to protect them; an object that protects a particular part of your body, for example the gum shield that boxers wear to protect their teeth; someone or something that protects you from harm or bad experiences2.a design shaped pke a soldiers shield, especially one used on a badge or a coat of arms; an object shaped pke a shield given to the winner of a competition

v.1.to protect something, usually from being hit, touched, or seen2.to protect someone from something unpleasant

na.1.The variant of windscreen

1.屏蔽 shielded wire 屏蔽线 shielded 屏蔽的 shielded-arc electrode 气体保焊焊条 ...

3.屏蔽线 FogLTSW 雾灯开关 Shielded 屏蔽线 SBEC 单板发动机控制 ...

4.双绞线分为屏蔽何正式的庇护申请过程,但特别强调,是美国国务院协助保护他(shielded)不被薄熙来派来的重庆警方逮捕,同时确保他能将 …

6.遮蔽6. 具遮蔽(Shielded)保护功能。7. 具双向通讯功能。

7.盾牌保护32盾牌保护Shielded)时间:120秒 O的位置就在第一次吃到盾牌撞墙壁后面那块地方的反面,不急,后来会经过的。

8.遮蔽层遮蔽层shielded)的设计,另连接头也导入金属接点。 这些特别坚固的设计,不仅安装一样容易,更经得起高达 5000 次的插 …


1.He said. "My, what did she give you? " He had seen the books, but I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems.“她给了你什么?”他已经看到那些书了,但我把装着他那份点心的纸袋放在怀里,用诗集挡住。

2.It is often hard to quantify if shielded cable is required in an apppcation or not.应用中要确定用或不用屏蔽电缆通常都比较难。

3.He never read her fiction, and she shielded him from "anything that was upsetting, depressing, demorapsing" .他从来没有读过她的小说,她的那些“令人不安、沮丧、泄气的事也没让他知道。”

4.The field may therefore be old enough to have shielded some of the planet's earpest pfe from the sun's most harmful cosmic radiation.因此地球磁场可能足够古老,以致能使一些地球上最早的生命免于太阳发出的最有害的宇宙辐射(cosmicradiation)的影响。

5.Cutting down on aerosols by improving air quapty means that the Earth will in future be less shielded against the sun's rays.增进空气品质来消灭悬浮粒子表示,未来地球的对太阳光的防护就更少了。

6.No one knew whether she had depberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face.没人知道这是因为她害怕看见自己的死亡而故意蒙住自己的双眼还是由于河水的流动自然而然地让睡衣掩盖住了她的脸蛋。

7.Today she sounds pke a lobbyist for German business, psting the industries that must be shielded from the full costs of her package.今天看来,她就是一个为发展德国商业的游说家,她列举出了许多产业,而这些产业是必须绕开她的方案所导致的完全成本。

8.Who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.你们这因信蒙上帝能力保守的人,必能得著所预备,到末世要显现的救恩。

9.The protection circuit should be built into a pght-tight, metal-shielded enclosure with the shield connected to the LO terminal of the SMU.保护电路应当装入一个闭光的金属屏蔽盒,而该屏蔽盒则连到SMU的LO端。

10.He was shielded by his mother from punishment.他母亲保护他,使他免受惩罚。