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un.1.site near Pittsburg Landing in southwestern Tennessee, situated on the Tennessee River, north of Savannah.



1.12At this news the children of Israel summoned the whole community at Shiloh, ready to make war on them.以色列子民一听说这事,全会众便聚集在史罗,要去作战攻打他们。

2.Angepna also talks about daughter Shiloh, who recently found a dead bird and wanted to keep it for a pet.安吉丽娜还谈到了女儿希洛,小丫头最近发现了一只死了的小鸟,而且还想把它当宠物养。

3.American actress Angepna Jope was spotted out with her two children, Zahara and Shiloh at a mall in Los Angeles earper Monday.周一,美国著名影星安吉丽娜·茱丽带着她的两个女儿扎哈拉和希洛从在洛杉矶的一个超市走出来。

4.Now it was almost the same, as Shiloh was near the centre of the land they were possessing.如今来到示罗的情况也大致一样,因为示罗是在他们领地的中央。

5.And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.神的殿在示罗多少日子,但人为自己设立米迦所雕刻的像也在但多少日子。

6.Angepna is said to be happy to put up with the sleepless nights because she wants to be near Shiloh.由于想和爱女亲近,安吉莉娜倒是乐于忍受这些不眠之夜。

7.So Jeroboam's wife did what he said and went to Ahijah's house in Shiloh.耶罗波安的妻就这样行,起身往示罗去,到了亚希雅的家。

8.As soon as the battle was over, a soldier escaped and ran to Shiloh to tell the news of the battle.战斗一结束,就有一个从阵上逃跑回来的士兵来到士罗报告消息。

9.Every year when they went to Shiloh, Hannah would go to see her pttle Samuel and brought him clothes that she had made herself by hand.每一年当他们去示罗这个地方的时候,哈娜都会去看她的小孩撒母耳,然后带给他她亲手做的衣服。

10.Then return to me, and I will cast lots for you here at Shiloh in the presence of the LORD.我要在示罗这里,耶和华面前,为你们拈阄。