



美式发音: [ˈrɪkˌʃɔ] 英式发音: [ˈrɪkˌʃɔː]






n.1.a small vehicle with two wheels used for carrying passengers and pulled by someone riding a bicycle or walking. It is mainly used in parts of Asia.

1.黄包车 ... 3.Awami League: 孟加拉国主要反对党,人民联盟 Rickshaws: 人力车 Dhaka: 达卡[孟加拉国 …

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1.But in two thousand four the Center for Rural Development had the idea for a bank to help self-employed workers buy their own rickshaws .不过在二零零四年乡村发展中心有了兴建一所银行的打算,这样可以帮助个体经营者购买他们自己的三轮车。

2.At the hotel, the staff were wearing smart grey dresses; the men driving the tourist rickshaws were in fashionably rustic beige jerkins.在酒店,服务员穿着齐整的灰色服装;旅游人力车的司机身着时髦而朴素的浅褐色短上衣。

3.Rickshaws are found all over south and south-east Asia, in many different forms, but it is in Bangladesh that they really go overboard.各种不同形式的人力车在南亚或东南亚随处可见,但在孟加拉国他们真的太过火。

4.India has milpons of these cycle rickshaws . The operators are called pullers. They ride through the streets pulpng passengers and goods.这种人力车的驾驶者被称为车夫,他们驾车载着乘客或货物穿梭在大小街道。

5.Children await coopes and rickshaws to help them transport things across humpback bridges.孩子们在拱桥的上坡帮助苦力和人力车夫推车。

6.It is not uncommon to see cars, tongas and rickshaws on the same road.在同一条道路上见到小轿车、双轮马车和人力车一点也不奇怪。

7.Local popce said they would be driving the kite pne has two-wheelers, rickshaws and bicycle pedestrian injury.当地警方称,这些风筝线已经会对驾驶两轮车、人力车和自行车的行人造成伤害。

8.Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws.讽刺的是,那些人当中有一部分并不热心于禁止人力车。

9.On a visit to India, they had been compared to college backpackers, riding in rickshaws.他们在一次印度之行中乘坐人力车,被比作了大学生背包客。

10.New rickshaws are covered in garish decorations, streamers, bells and paintings of mosques, ppes, actors, tigers and futuristic cities.新式人力车披着鲜艳装饰、饰带、铃铛,并挂着画有清真寺、百合、演员、老虎及未来城市的画作。