




1.真治了那只手,真嗣也微笑起来,带着点腼腆和羞涩:“我叫真嗣shinji),碇真嗣…很高兴认识你。”“那么,我以后叫你真嗣君 …

4.真致 姓名:金宗民 KimJongMin 姓名:申智 ShinJi 姓名:车晟 ChaSeungMin ...

7.信积 约翰 John 信积 Shinji 米奇 Mickey ...


1.Shinji appeared to be sitting next to his buddy from grade school, Yutaka Seto (Male Student No. 12), the class clown.信史看来应该是和小学时代便结识的朋友,濑户丰(男子十二号)并排而坐。阿丰是班上最轻浮随便的人。

2."Our plan is to turn the Osaka plant into a hub for exports, " said Shinji Nishio, Nippon Oil chief executive.新日本石油首席执行官西尾进路(ShinjiNishio)表示:“我们的计划是将大阪工厂变成一个出口中心。”

3.I finally decided to come out of hiding and found Shinji cooking in the kitchen.当我终于下定决心不再逃避,就撞见了在厨房做饭的真嗣。

4.She smiled into the mirror, and finding satisfaction returned the items to her shoulder bag before continuing her patient wait for Shinji.她对着小化妆镜笑了笑,觉得挺满意,于是把化妆盒收进挎包,继续耐心地等真嗣来。

5.Shinji saw a flash of something to the left of him, and then he was knocked to the ground roughly.真嗣感觉左边有东西一闪,随即被狠狠地撂倒在地。

6.Shinji Suzuki currently heads up a project that wants to launch paper airplanes from space, and see how they survive the trip back to Earth.铃木真二最近正在筹备一个项目,他决定在从太空向地球投掷纸飞机,看看它能不能安然无恙地返回地面。

7.With her here, I could avoid talking to Shinji without looking stupid.有她在,一直避免和真嗣交谈的我才不会看起来很蠢。

8.HoYava gravity may also create the "illusion of dark matter, " says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University.HoYava引力也可能产生“暗物质假象”,东京大学的宇宙学家ShinjiMukohyama说。

9.Ho? ava gravity may also create the "illusion of dark matter, " says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University.赫拉瓦引力论也能制造“暗物质假象”,——这是东京大学宇宙学家真嗣向山的观点。

10.Inside Shinji's plug, black arms unfold from behind his seat and lock his arms into place, and the dummy plug activates.慎内的插头,黑色武器展开从后面坐下,锁定他的武器,并在虚拟插件激活。