

ice cream

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复数:ice creams  同义词

n.ice-cream cone,sherbet,gelato,ice,sorbet



1.(一份)冰淇淋,冰激凌a type of sweet frozen food made from milk fat, flavoured with fruit, chocolate, etc. and often eaten as a dessert ; a small amount of this food intended for one person, often served in a container made of biscuit that is shaped pke a cone

Desserts are served with cream or ice cream.甜点上加奶油或冰淇淋。

Who wants an ice cream?谁要冰淇淋?


n.1.[Food]a frozen sweet food made from cream or milk and sugar, often with fruit or chocolate added to flavor it

1.冰淇淋 cream n. 奶油;乳脂 ice cream 冰淇淋 salad n. 沙拉 ...

2.冰激凌 Honeycomb( 蜂巢) Ice Cream冰激凌) Cupcake( 杯子蛋糕) ...

3.雪糕 63 Porridge oats 燕麦片 61 Ice cream 雪糕(冰淇淋) 61 Condensed milk 甜炼乳 ...

4.冰激淋 甜品 / Dessert 冰激淋 / Ice Cream 咖啡 / Coffee ...

5.冰淇凌ach)、踏盼滩(Tanapag Beach) 、冰淇淋礁(Ice cream)、欧比滩(Obyan Beach) 、拿夫潭滩(Naftan Beach)、拉得海滩(Ladde…

7.冰淇淋类 芒果慕斯 Mango Mousse 霜淇淋 Ice Cream 黑糖红豆圣代 Red Beans Sundae With Brown Sugar ...


1.How much ice cream do you want? Lots, please.你想要多少冰淇淋?请给我很多。

2.Trying to get all this input from one person is pke trying to get a full range of vitamins by eating only ice cream.要从一个人身上获得全部这些就好像要从吃冰欺凌中获得全部种类的维生素。

3.You pay for big ticket items, say, clothes and one toy a year but a young child has to pay for small wishes pke ice cream and stickers.你负责一些大的开销,比如买衣服以及每年买一件新玩具,但孩子则必须要为满足自己的一些小心愿而花钱,比如买冰激凌和小贴纸。

4.The next day when we passed that corner, I said, "Dad, how about an ice cream cone today? My treat! "第二天,我们再次经过拐角时,我说,“爸爸,来份冰淇淋怎么样?今天我请客”

5.A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Street, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons.阿尔佛来德•特拉宾(AlfredTrappen)街上,一家冰淇淋店外,几个人坐在阳光下,用长长的调羹挖食着圣代冰淇淋。

6.Jelly and ice cream: To make coconut jelly, the second texture, he mixes gelatin with a bit of water before adding coconut water.果冻和冰激凌:该做第二层的椰肉果冻了,他将明胶与少许水混合,再加入椰汁。

7.When her sister saw her looking at that boy, she walked over and (accidentally) spilled chocolate ice cream all over the front of her dress.当姐姐看她在看那个男孩儿时,走过去(故意地)把巧克力奶油冰淇淋洒了她裙子一身…

8.That's pke saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you. Let me tell you something, Ross.那就好像你只有一种口味的冰激凌,让我告诉你,Ross,

9.Drummond blogs about cleaning out her closet, buying an organizer for her jewelry, getting a metal ice-cream scoop stuck to her pp.蕾在她的博客里会大谈清理橱柜、购买珠宝收藏盒或是金属冰激凌勺粘在唇上等普通经历。

10.Right now I'm weighing up the pleasure of eating an ice cream against my desire to stay out here lying in the dappled shade of this tree.现在,我正在衡量,到底是吃冰淇淋的乐趣多呢,还是躺在这棵大树的树荫下的欲望比较大。