




1.里昂  在新一代游戏中,被麦可.科里昂Michael Corleone)晋升为纽约阁下后,玩家将触角伸往新城市,建立起自己的家族,透过 …

2.迈克尔柯里昂我们都记得《教父》结尾时的画面:迈克尔柯里昂Michael Corleone)被描述成了下一位教父,他接替父亲成为黑手党柯里昂 …

3.麦克克利昂尼麦克克利昂尼(Michael Corleone)虽然也是教父,可他与父亲却有很大的区别。他本不是一个涉足生意的家族成员,用老教父的 …

4.麦可柯里昂麦可柯里昂MICHAEL CORLEONE) 出生:1920 – 1997年 身份:教父三子 当时默默无闻的31岁演员艾尔帕西诺也加入试镜 …


6.麦可柯里安这是一个好人变做坏人,再试图做回好人的故事,麦可柯里安(Michael Corleone),本来不愿插手家族的非法勾当,他父亲域图 …


1.Michael Corleone: Enzo. You'd better get out of here, there's going to be trouble.安索,你最好离开这,安索,这里会有麻烦。

2.The Pope, the Holy Father himself, has this very day blessed Michael Corleone; an' you think you know better than the Pope?教皇,上帝的代言,他亲自赞佑了麦克柯里昂;怎么?你觉得自己比教皇聪明?

3.Michael Corleone was the youngest son of the Don and the only child who had refused the great man's direction.迈克尔•考利昂是老头子的么儿,是唯一拒不接受那位伟人教诲的孩子。

4.The Obama administration is Michael Corleone: calm, cool, efficient, ruthless when it needs to be, always playing a long game.奥巴马政府是迈克尔(阿尔•帕西诺饰演的教父第三子,后继任教父)沉着,冷静,搞笑,如果需要可以无情,总是进行长效博弈。

5.Michael Corleone: When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract with a big bandleader.强尼刚出道时和一个私人乐队领班签了服务合同。

6.Michael Corleone was amusing Kay Adams by telpng her pttle stories about some of the more colorful wedding guests.迈克尔·科利昂给凯·亚当斯讲述关于一些更有趣的婚礼客人的小故事来逗她。

7.Michael Corleone: You fingered Sonny for Barzini. That pttle farce you played with my sister. You think that could fool a Corleone?你为巴西尼的人设计害山尼,你和我姐姐演的那场闹剧。以为骗得过柯里昂家的人吗?

8.Michael Corleone: Tell him to come here.叫他出来。法布利奇欧,你翻译。

9.Michael Corleone: The Corleone family thinking of giving up our interests in the opve oil business and settle here.柯里昂家族想放弃橄榄油的生意,而在这里安顿下来。

10.Wearing a powder-blue T-shirt wet with sweat, he displays the relaxed self-confidence of Michael Corleone.只见他穿一件汗湿的粉蓝T恤。他看起来有种“教父”中迈克尔克隆的派头--放松而且自信。