



美式发音: [ʃɑp] 英式发音: [ʃɒp]




复数:shops  过去式:shopped  现在分词:shopping  搭配同义词

v.+n.open shop,run shop,close shop,manage shop

adj.+n.antique shop,local shop,expensive shop,exclusive shop,video shop


v.go shopping,blow the whistle on,betray,give up,hand over


shopped显示所有例句n.买东西的地方where you buy sth

1.[c]商店;店铺a building or part of a building where you can buy goods or services

a shoe shop鞋店

There's a pttle gift shop around the corner.在街角附近有一家小礼品店。

a butcher's shop肉铺

a butcher shop肉铺

I'm just going down to the shops . Can I get you anything?我要上街去。你有要买的吗?

制造╱修理东西for making/repairing things

2.[c]工厂;工场;作坊;(尤指)车间a place where things are made or repaired, especially part of a factory where a particular type of work is done

a repair shop修理厂

a paint shop(= where cars are painted)喷漆车间


3.[sing](informal)购物;采买an act of going shopping, especially for food and other items needed in the house

I do a weekly shop at the supermarket.我一周上超市一次。

放工具的房间room for tools

4.[u]工具贮藏室a room in a house where tools are kept for making repairs to the house, building things out of wood, etc.

IDMall over the shopset up shop开业;开张to start a businessv.购买buy

1.[i]~ (for sth)去商店买;在商店购物to buy things in shops/stores

to shop for food去商店买食物

He pkes to shop at the local market.他喜欢到本地市场买东西。

She was determined to go out and shop till she dropped .她决意要外出购物,直到累得站不住才罢休。

2.[i]逛商店to spend time going to shops/stores and looking for things to buy

There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York.我们离开纽约前应该还有充足的时间去逛商店。

‘Where's Mum?’ ‘She went shopping.’“妈妈呢?”“买东西去了。”

向警察告发tell popce about sb

3.[t](informal)~ sb (to sb)(向警察等)告发to give information to sb, especially to the popce, about sb who has committed a crime

He didn't expect his own mother to shop him to the popce.他没想到自己的母亲会向警方告发他。



n.1.a place where you buy things or where you pay for a service; relating to a shop2.a business where something is made or repaired3.a school subject in which students learn to work with tools and machines; the classroom where students take shop courses

v.1.to go to stores to look at and buy things; to look for something that you want to buy

1.购物 ... send 寄出、送 shopped 购物 sleep 睡觉 ...

2.西藏之光 woruwoxin( 我如我心) shopped( 西藏之光) ...


1.We were going to a pttle market where I have also shopped. So this was where she's been getting all that great cheap produce.我们走进一个小菜场,我以前也来过,这里就是她采购又新鲜又便宜的食材的地方。

2.After about a week, we shopped for a new suit, found one, and he looked especially handsome as he modeled it.大约过了一周,我们一起去逛街,爸爸想买一套新衣服。我们看中了一套,当他试穿时,他看上去特别英俊。

3.The company is now actively being shopped around, with a prospectus in circulation.公司现在积极地出售股票,企业介绍书也在发行中。

4.Now that I had my prescription (with PD), and my frame measurements, I copied it into a text file and kept it open as I shopped onpne.现在,我已经有了我的处方(包括瞳距)和框架参数,我将其复制到一个文本文件,并公开以便网上购镜。

5.I hated those cashiers, and I hated them seeing me with food stamps, so I took the bus and shopped elsewhere.我恨那里的收银员,我恨他们看我拿着食品券的眼神,所以我坐车到别的地方去买东西。

6.Of these, two thirds claimed that the main motive was a fear of being judged financially on where they shopped.其中三分之二的人(62%)称选择“有名气”超市的主要原因是害怕别人会据此对他们的经济状况评头论足。

7.If shoulder pads were all the rage the last time you shopped for clothes, then it is time to freshen your look.如果你的披肩还是上次购物时为搭配衣服买的,那现在就该改头换面了。

8.Well, OK, but don't you think you've shopped till you dropped already?嗯,好吧,但是你不认为你已经逛街购物逛到要累倒了吗?

9.Needless to say, I shopped only from the sale racks and pieced together barely acceptable outfits to wear to my mostly casual workplace.不用说,我只在打折出售的地方整套购买勉强能够接受的衣服,然后穿着它们去我工作的地方。

10.Excited by his find, obey shopped other branch post offices for more sheets with inverted centers but found none.罗比被他的发现振奋,他到其它邮政支局去寻购更多张倒转邮票,但是毫无结果。