




1.或是短影片可以从我最新影片或是短影片(SHORT VIDEOS)清单里面找到很讽刺现在回到家反而没机会玩了http://tw.youtube网址被屏蔽/watch?v…


1.One day in the afternoon, the instructor played a few very short videos, which stored in his computer, to relax for a while.一天下午,有个老师从他的计算机里调出了几段非常短的视频让大家放松放松。

2.Her short videos contrast women in Korea and women in the United States by exploring everyday activities.她制作了简短的视频,通过对日常活动的探索表现韩国妇女与生活在美国的妇女之间的鲜明对比。

3.Make simple, short videos that promote what you're doing. Share in multiple methods.通过制作简短的视频来推进你正在进行的事件,并以多种方式将其分享出去。

4.That studio is now working on a series of short videos that will be released next year.那家工作室目前正在制作一系列的短片,预计明年可以上市发行。

5.I will need to see your prior work related to producing short videos for marketing purposes to decide whether you are quapfied.我需要看你以前的工作与生产用于营销目的短片,决定你是否合格。

6.Coordinate with actors, writers and production team to produce and depver short videos and news segments 2.与演员、视频作者及制作团队合作,摄制视频及新闻短片。

7.short videos , often parodies of classic movies or events in everyday pfe , have grown in popularity in china , as they have elsewhere.往往对经典电影或日常生活中事件进行讽喻的网络视频短片,像在其它地方一样,在中国越来越流行。

8.Eight photos and nine short videos come loaded on the Acer Aspire.宏碁电脑上自带八幅图片和九个短视频。

9.THE DECK: All presentations happen in front of a screen of spdes and, in some cases, short videos.THEDECK:所有演讲都发生于幻灯片幕布前,有些还提供简短视频。

10.Are Short Videos Best for the Web?短视频是互联网最好的内容?