



美式发音: [ˈʃɔrtˌkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈʃɔː(r)tˌkʌmɪŋ]



复数:shortcomings  同义词反义词







n.1.a fault or problem that makes someone or something less effective

1.缺点 errors 过失 shortcomings 缺点 flaw 缺点 ...

2.短处 convention 常规,习俗 shortcomings 短处,缺点 objects of his affections 他的感情 …

3.缺陷 残障者/残疾人 handicapped person 缺陷 shortcomings 残缺 incomplete ...

4.C缺点 errors[ B]过失 shortcomingsC]缺点 flaw[ D]缺点 ...

5.不足 ... moneymaking 获益的;很会赚钱的 shortcomings 缺点,不足 stimulating 刺激的,有刺激性的 ...

6.缺点短处 byproduct 副产品 shortcomings 缺点短处 flourish 繁荣 ...

7.有缺点但审裁处亦裁定,该等事故,只显示答辩人的工作表现有缺点(shortcomings),不足以构成即时终止雇佣合约的理由. 其实,第57章第9…



1.It let me know my shortcomings, i should have the determination and courage pke Jane if i meet any problem when working and studying.使我更好的认识到自己的不足,在工作和学习中遇到任何问题都应该有简那种战胜困难的决心和勇气。

2.Rather than trying to seem perfect, being honest about your shortcomings in an interview or on the job can be perceived as an asset.与其试图让自己看起来很完美,还不如在面试或工作中诚实的承认自己的缺点,这样的话别人才会认为你是有价值的员工。

3.When you love what is good, do not love is when you have nothing, what are the shortcomings in her eyes.爱的时候你什么都是好的,不爱是时候你却什么也不是,什么在她眼中都是缺点。

4.He gave the example of cards on the wall as a tool which fulfills these criteria though it has other shortcomings.他给出了使用墙上的卡片作为工具的例子,认为这满足了活动切换的条件,即使有所不足。

5.Results of this study demonstrate that this method enables most of significant shortcomings in risk analysis to be revealed.研究结果表明:评价风险分析质量的方法能揭示风险分析中大多数的重大缺陷。

6.Students when a child, you will be tolerant of the shortcomings of the child, forgive the fault of the children.把学生当孩子,你会宽容孩子的缺点,原谅孩子的过失。

7.These shortcomings should be seen as natural consequences of Hawthorne's struggle to find his way in fiction without a guide.霍桑是在无可借鉴的情况苦苦摸索如何写小说的,这些缺点自属必不可免。

8.The notion that the U. S. defense budget can cover alpance shortcomings is not true, he said.他认为,美国的国防预算可以弥补北约不足的说法是不正确的。

9.Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves.他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。

10.Stratford said the report also identifies weak IPR enforcement as one of China's "greatest shortcomings as a trading partner. "斯特拉特福德说,特别301报告还将知识产权保护不力定为中国“作为贸易伙伴最严重的不足”之一。