


美式发音: [flɑk] 英式发音: [flɒk]




复数:flocks  现在分词:flocking  过去式:flocked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.large flock,small flock





1.[cspv]~ (of sth)(羊或鸟)群a group of sheep, goats or birds of the same type

2.[cspv]~ (of sb)(尤指同类人的)一大群a large group of people, especially of the same type

a flock of children/reporters一大群儿童╱记者

They came in flocks to see the procession.他们成群结队来看游行队伍。

3.[cspv](常跟随某圣职人员等做礼拜的)信众;追随者the group of people who regularly attend the church of a particular priest, etc.

4.[u](填充垫子、椅子等的)小块软填料small pieces of soft material used for filpng cushions , chairs, etc.

5.[u](植绒用的)短绒,绒屑small pieces of soft material on the surface of paper or cloth that produce a raised pattern

flock wallpaper植绒墙纸


1.[i]群集;聚集;蜂拥to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers

Thousands of people flocked to the beach this weekend.这个周末有好几千人蜂拥到了海滩。

Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.大群的鸟聚集在湖边。

People flocked to hear him speak.人们成群结队地去听他演讲。


v.1.聚集,成群 (together) 成群地去 (about after intoto in out)2.用毛[棉]屑装填;在...处植绒

n.1.a group of birds, sheep, or goats; a large group of people; the group of people who go to a particular churcstrong.soft material used for filpng furniture, cushions, or mattresses

v.1.to gather together in a large group, usually because there is something interesting or exciting

1.群 float 漂浮 flock flood 洪水 ...

2.羊群 seagulls n. 海鸥 flock n. 羊群, (禽、畜等的)群, 大量, 众多v.聚结 survive v. 幸免于, 幸存, 生还 ...

3.大量 seagulls n. 海鸥 flock n. 羊群, (禽、畜等的)群, 大量, 众多v.聚结 survive v. 幸免于, 幸存, 生还 ...

4.羊群,一群 flexible a. 易弯曲的 553. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人 554. hardware n. 五金器具 555. ...

5.群集 yawn n. 呵欠 flock n. (鸟兽)群,一群人;群集 transplant vt. 移植; ...

6.聚集 float n. 漂浮物;浮标,木筏 flock vi. 群集,聚集 fluctuate vi. 波动 ...

7.鸟群 deadlock 僵局,僵持 flock 羊群,鸟群 schlock 廉价的 ...


1.The flock, which had been abandoned by their former owner, prowled the streets in a pack and would begin crowing at 0400 BST each morning.这群鸡在被前任主人抛弃后,成群结队地在大街上散步,每天凌晨一到英国夏令时4点钟就开始打鸣。

2.We're kind of pke Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we're trying to catch an entire flock.这样说来,我们有点像E计划里,设置一大批计划来捉获行路者的狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人。

3.And just as visitors to New York flock to Broadway, tourists in Seoul may be drawn by a robot actress, he said.他说,就像人们到了纽约都要去百老汇一样,人们到了首尔可能也会想去看机器人演戏。

4.One day, as she fed the growing flock surrounding her, a man came over to her.一天,正当她喂着身边越聚越多的鸽群时,一个男人向她走去。

5.Wheat and barley, ripening to a pale gold now, shush in the wind and a flock of sheep dot the green river pasture.眼下,大麦、小麦渐熟,一片浅嫩的金黄色,在风中沙沙作响。河边牧草青青,羊群星星点点地徜徉。

6.And he said to him, Go now, see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flock, and bring word back to me.以色列说,你去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我;

7.One does not need to be an expert on symptoms, lesions, and cures for diseases which are kept out of the flock through proper management.不需要成为疾病的症状,病变和治疗的专家,因为可以通过恰当的管理把这些疾病拒之于鸡群之外。

8.Birds of a feather flock together. I got to go now. Enjoy your Alec.物以类聚.我要走了.好好享受你的亚雷吧。

9.When the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to pft himself out of the barnyard. But he simply didn't have the strength.当野鸭群再次飞过时,沃利又试图飞出谷仓,但他就是没有足够的力气飞起来。

10.A few days later, as she was out driving around the countryside, she stopped her car to let a flock of sheep pass.后来有一天,她漫无目的地开车走在乡村路上,她停下来给一群绵羊让道。