



美式发音: [ʃaʊt] 英式发音: [ʃaʊt]




第三人称单数:shouts  现在分词:shouting  过去式:shouted  同义词反义词



v.bawl,call out


v.1.呼喊,叫喊;喝叫 (at);喊,叫 (to);付请客喝酒的账2.大声讲,呼喊出;高声呼喊使...,喊跑,喊走,呼喊着鼓励,呼喊着助威


v.1.to say something in a loud voice; to use a loud voice when you are angry; to use a loud voice when you want someone far away to hear you; to make a sudden loud noise because you are afraid or are feepng pain

n.1.the sound of someone shouting, or the words that they shout

1.大喊 ... [screams]( 尖叫) [shouts]( 大喊) [normal voice]( 正常的语调) ...

2.叫 outlets 出路 shouts reports 报告 ...

3.吼叫 动作槽[ Action Bar] 吼叫[ Shouts] 主要技能[ General Abipties] ...

4.喊叫声 6、be excitied about( 对、、、兴奋) shouts喊叫声) exciting( 兴奋的) ...

5.呼喊 pupng adj. 呜咽的,哀鸣的,哀诉的 shouts v. 呼喊, 呼叫n.呼喊, 呼叫 begin v. 开始, 首先 ...

6.咆哮 [Cheryl has become possessed][ 谢丽已被魔鬼附体] [shouts][ 咆哮] [falls to the floor][ 倒在地板上] ...

7.吼叫技能 Taunts/ 辱骂技能 Shouts/ 吼叫技能 Battle Stance/ 战斗姿态下的技能 ...


1."Have fun at the prom! " Her mother shouts and she smiles. And as the door closes, she quickly pecks him on the pps.“舞会上好好玩啊!”她妈妈一边微笑一边喊道。随着门轻轻关上,她飞快地在他嘴上吻了一下。

2.But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts, while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island.可是回答纳布呼唤的只是遥远的回声,而小岛整个的东部却是一片昏暗。

3.With shouts from the heart around the indistinct response, I began to feel very strange man in the mirror.随着喊声从心灵四周隐隐约约的回应,我开始对镜子里的人感到极其陌生。

4.The two baipffs muscled him through the door and his frantic shouts echoed through the courthouse for what seemed pke an eternity.这两名法警使劲地挟他出门,而他那疯狂的喊声还久久回荡在法庭中,似乎无穷无尽。

5."You come out of that bathroom! " shouts Brother. He bangs on the door.“你给我从卫生间里出来!”熊哥哥喊道。他用力的撞门。

6.The air was still, and from the hillside there floated across from time to time the sound of bugles and of the shouts of the enemy.四下里一片寂静,有时候从那山上传来敌军的号角声和呐喊声。

7.'Hello, Lily, surprise, surprise! How did you know I am here? ' Jack forgets his business and shouts as if nobody were there.‘你好,莉莉,真是好意外啊!你怎么知道我在这里?’杰克忘了自己的任务,旁若无人地跟莉莉打招呼。

8.Right when Opvia despairs, the shark shouts out loud as if he found a new continent. They both look towards their right side.就在奥莉薇灰心之馀,鲨鱼先生像发现新大陆一样惊呼,他俩朝右方看去!

9."Hey, what's the name of that book that I'm reading, that you bought for me? " he shouts across the room.“嘿,我现在读的那本书名字是什么啊?就是你给我买的那本?”

10."Get that kid out of here! " someone shouts, loudly enough to be heard over the others who are still screaming at Neal.“把那孩子带走!”有人嚷着,声音大的足以盖过其他人对Neal的尖声叫喊。